Teenage Hormones

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Chris's mouth feel instantly hot and dry, so dry it was like his tongue would writhe up and break off at any moment. His eyes widened at the realization of what he had just agreed to, now thanks to him absentmindedly eyeing the sexy young man who responded to the name of 'August' he would have to mentor him and help him build his budding sing career. Day in and day out. For.. Hell for who knows how long. He wanted to cast the blame for on someone as to just put his mind at ease. So for the moment this was all Jeff's fault, after all he is the reason he's standing in front of a sexy musically gifted fan and not carelessly curled up in his thick luxurious blankets right now. Dammit Jeffery! Always making my life more dramatic than it has to be!

"So, I'll left you two to work and we'll get to know each other while I go and heh, do something else." Jeff was all smiles as he held the golden knob with his right hand and waved them goodbye with his left. August waved back, Chris just walked to the chair Jeff had been sitting in and sipped his drink to help quench his mouth and rehydrate his tongue. And if he would have to be alone with August for a few more minutes, he would need the Pacific Ocean to quench his thirst. Oh he could feel himself dehydrating by the millisecond!

"Thanks mane.. Thank once again for givin' a brother a chance. Yo mane, I promise ya won't regret it!" August grinned widely. Chris's heartbeat accelerated studying those alluring lips and the way his large smile created faint indentations on his cheeks, almost as if he had dimples. Did he have dimples? Chris really need to know so he could start writing his finally will and testament while he had the chance.

Like the dork he was around an attractive guy, it took him a little while for his brain to get the hint that he actually needed to reply. He snapped out of his little daydream and noticed August was just staring and waiting on an answer. Agh, so cute. "Oh, heh sorry.. A little spacey without my morning coffee." He chuckled, trying to play off his total embarrassment. "And you're welcome. Jeff is the one who first discovered me so if he says you have the talent, of course I agree with him. He does after all have good tastes." Mhm, in more ways than one. Oh what! Dammit did that sound sexual in nature? He blushed at the thought. August just nodded and laugh that sexy ass laugh of his. Damn what he wouldn't give to bent over and get fucked by the young prodigy right now. And those are thoughts he definitely should not be thinking! His pants aren't loose, if he gets an erection he would die for the embarrassment! "Alright." He blurted out, standing up and walking over to the various mixing equipment, "good and let me here what you got."

August nodded, his eyes sparkling in excitement. Oh those gorgeous deep, succulent dark chocolate eyes! Chris just wanted to lose himself in them and stare into them as August's cock slammed into his prostate. Dammit, he should of slipped some Hennessy in his drink because he's gonna need it by the end of this day, if he doesn't die from prolonged exposure to August's sexiness first.

Chris watched him stand and walk into the recording booth. He didn't even care to glance down at his ass as he walked away, he was more interested at how big the bulge in front was anyways. Chris sat in his chair and bit his inner cheek, breathing in the faint whips of August's musky cologne that were left behind. Damn, he smelled like one hundred percent man. He put on his headphones and leaned back against the black leather, softly biting his lower lip. He watched August through the clear glass panel suiting himself up with a pair of headphones. Chris reached the mic and gave him a small smile, "Just relax, I'm not here to judge just examine your natural talent. So relax and have fun.. By the way what song are you going to be singing?"

"How To Love.. By Lil Wayne." Of course he picked that of all songs, Chris wasn't even astonished. The universe seemed out to get him.

"Alright. Just start when you're ready." He nodded, August doing the same in return.

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