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The poor boy didn't really get any good amount of sleep last night. his night was primarily composed of tossing and turning. Sleeping for about thirty minutes and then waking up scared and worried sick about August. And by sick, I mean sick in the purest of forms, Chris threw up four times when his nerves clearly got the better of him. He was just so worried, a more rational area of his mind told him it was nothing and August had probably been so tired from all the excitement yesterday than he just went home and went to sleep. But then the other areas of his mind wandered off into what if he got in a wreck? What if he's in jail for drinking and driving? Or in the hospital? Actually Chris already knew those options were false, he called every hospital and police station within a fifty mile area and asked if they had seen him or if he was there. At one o'clock in the morning Chris's fears proved to be too much and he went to August's penthouse and let himself in with his key. That's when his emotions really started to pour out discovering how neat and clean the house was. Like August had left everything in place expecting to come back home but clearly never arrived. By the time he got back home his mind had wandered off to even crazier areas, like what if Birdman stole him and took him to Young Money Cash Money Records to sell him and he's somewhere trapped and can't escape? Or what if, for some reason, he's driving back to New Orleans? He always talks about it and how much he misses it and not seeing his family, his nieces and mother specifically, so that made sense right? And for some reason the airports don't take calls at three in the morning.

All in all, he had about four hours of sleep all together.

And he was still sleep, his body tangled in a mess of his satin sheets and blankets when he heard his doorbell cry out, it's wail echoing through the halls. Chris awoke and jumped up out of bed so fast that he fell and landed on the hardwood floor on his left side with a dull thud. No matter, in his excitement he could really feel the pain anyways. Getting up he ripped the satin items off his person and ran out of the room headed for the stairwell when he heard the bell's urgent chime again. Butterflies swarmed in his tummy and he ran as fast and as could, jumping off a coffee table and at the last second swerving his body to avoid running into a wall. At the bell's third ring, Chris hastly unloked the door and swung it open, jumping up and hugging would he knew possible to be August. He buried his face in his neck and sighed contently, a smile spreading on his face. Oh how he had missed his beatiful sun kissed chocolate skin which was actucally kind of sort of darker..? But hey black people tan too right? And his missed the way tattoos covered his neck.. even if he didn't remember seeing them on him before. But how he missed his lanky chest.. which had buffed out considerably since yesterday morning. But no matter right? He knew those warm musculcar arms and those large muscular hands anywhere. Another thing Chris had never noticed before was how August had grew out his beard.. overnight it when from a little hair under his chin to a big bushy beard. But hey, science right? Right..? Right.. "I missed you so much baby! Where were you last night? I was worried sick! But it doesn't matter! You're here now and we can spend the whole day together! How did yesterday turn out? Did anything go as accordingly?" He asked, rubbing the side of his face into the lush black beard. Wow how did he never notice this feature before? It was bushy and thick you know sorta.. kinda.. like.. oh why? Chris lifted his head up and saw his annoying ex smirking back at him.

"Yesterday? My plan went great, that's for asking. And uh, I didn't know you cared that much baby boy.. had I had known I would drop by more often." Game chuckled. "So.. does this mean I can have a kiss?"

Chris scoffed in hurt, annoyance and disgust. He squirmed and wiggled trying to get out of Game's grip.

"Keep that up and I'll give you what you missed most." He winked, slapping Chris's ass making him squeal and blush.

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