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After Chris and August left the hospital they went straight back to Chris's mansion so that August could get some much needed rest under the dim light of the natural sunshine struggling to past through the closed curtains. His eyes were sore and had an odd burning sensation that the nurse said would wear off with time. Chris helped him get to bed and lay down on his side then he watched as he straddled him to start unbuttoning his shirt to take it off his person. A smirk spread on his face and on the edge of his vision Chris noticed this and looked up to his future husband with a straight poker face. "Don't even think about it, August. You know what the doctor said, you need plenty of rest and you can't be moving and stuff so soon after."

August's smirk widened and he chuckled under his breath, "But when did he say sex was a no?"

"On page four of the list of 'Don'ts'.. No sex." He said nonchalantly.

August huffed and took a deep breath. "A man has needs."

"You act like I'm not a man.. I know this.." Chris rolled his eyes, "You're just gonna have to stuck it up. Pretend it's just like when we first started dating and I made your ass take cold showers for eight months." He laughed, taking August's shirt off and sliding down to begin to take his sweats off as well.

August blushed when he said this and really had nothing to say. Yes he was still embarrassed about the whole having sex with India on the same night that Chris waned to give himself to him. And clearly Chris still not no idea that he even ever cheated on him, thank goodness. And no, August was never going to tell him for as long as he lived if he could help it.

Chris giggled, standing up to take August's shoes off. "I see I just put you on shush mode." Leaving August only in his black briefs, he walked up to him to give him a kiss on the lips. "And to make this easier for you, I'm not going to even sit next to you right now. Besides, I need to go the pharmacy to pick up your prescription and then run a few errands."

August nodded, watching him toss his dirty clothes in the hamper before he walked into his walk in closet to put the shoes up for him. "What if I need you, bahbeh?"

"You won't need me if you were sleeping." One could hear the sarcasm dripping from his words. Walking out, he tucked August in under the covers and smiled softly at him. "I'll be home in one hour I promise. Need me put on your sunglasses before you text me. Your eyes are still sensitive and you have to avoid looking directly into harsh lighting.. like the bright screen of a cell phone."

August nodded, licking his soft plump lips. "Aight ma.. got it."

Chris smiled and kissed his forehead, "Need anything?"

"Actucally I do." he responded with a smile.

"Oh?" Chris cocked a brow, "And do you plan on telling me what that thing is?"

"Yeah, eh think you could buy a sexy nurse outfit?"

Chris cocked his right hip and placed his right hand right on the hip bone, "Excuse me?"

August licked his lips a little more slower this time. "Ya heard meh, ma. You know I ain't about repeatin' myself."

Chris rolled his eyes and looked down at his fiance. "Why do you need a sexy nurse uniform, August?" he asked bluntly.

This made the Louisianian chuckle. "It's not fa meh, it's for yo sexy ass."

Chris blushed, "I'm not wearing a nurse uniform.. what do you even think I need one?"

"Well if you gon nurse meh back ta health ya need ta look da part."

He smacked his lips before puckering them out a bit and popping them again. "Right.. and why can't I simply wear regular ole nursing scrubs?"

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