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A few more months pasted with nothing really exciting to account for. Chris was still hopelessly in love, India was still pretending to be in love, and August was playing them both. Well just Chris, India already knew that August wasn't loyal. And yes, they did eventually have sex, three days after August cheated on him with India for the first time, his album rose to number three on the rhythmn and blues charts and Chris treated him to sex. For him it meant there bond was just that much closer but to August it meant he was hitting it from two different places. Don't get it twisted, he loved Chris with all his heart. He just wasn't loyal. Didn't really see a reason to be. Hell he was still young, not even quite twenty five and if he didn't play the field now when would he heard get a chance to? There was just something about India's pussy that always had him craving, same with Chris but he got her pussy first if you catch the drift. Trey kept his distance well until this month because him and Chris had work to do in the studio and well you already know Game is always popping up in Chris's life. In fact, he had just called Chris the other day and asked him to sing on his album on a song with him and a few more people, course he agreed. Even though August wasn't happy with either of the collaborations, he understood the importance of getting out there and making that money.

Today marks the first year of their relationship and Chris was so excited, he just knew August was the one from the moment he first laid eyes on him a year and three weeks ago. Currently he was snuggled up in a web of satin sheets in his king sized bed with August sleeping at his side. Chris smiled wide and watched how the rays of the sun illuminated his handsome face and facial features. A love sickened smile lazily spread on Chris's face as he covered his mouth to yawn gently into the palm of his hand. Leaning up, he kissed August's jaw line gently while his hand reached down to absentmindedly rub and torso, his soft fingertips tracing over his abdominal muscles. This happens a lot, Chris wakes up first and spends an hour or so touching August while he sleeps before getting up and getting ready for the day since his boyfriend could sleep until noon without stirring once. Hopeful today wasn't one of those days because duh, it was their anniversary. Chris actually wanted to go out and do something with him, you know? Create lasting memories they could cherish for a lifetime. Scoffing, Chris just rested his head on August's chest and grabbed his phone out of his pocket to quietly play a game or something until his boyfriend decided to wake up. Honestly, if his ass wasn't up in forty minutes he was getting the ice cubes again.

Luckily for him, August started to stir in the sleep, probably due to the audio effects in the play Chris was playing. He was exhausted though, see he actually used his brain and thought ahead of time this time; yesterday he knew that today was his anniversary and he wanted to spend that day and most likely the next with Chris, so yesterday afternoon he spend a few hours over at India's crib getting his dick wet before he hopped in the shower and went over to Chris's house. No problem right? He figured he would just be able to crash in his room and catch a few zzz's while Chris fixed him something to eat. Wrong. Chris had his heart on seeing some stupid Disney princess movie, The Beauty And The Beast, it was out in theaters and he just had to drag him out to see it. No biggie, August figured he could catch a few zzz's in the theater right? Wrong again. Chris rented out the whole entire theater for them so basically if he fell asleep he'd be in big trouble. And after the movie was over he figured they'd go straight home and then he could sleep. Wrong for the third time in a fucking row, Chris just had to go to some Chinese restaurant that he rented out and stay for a fucking hour! He hardly even ate, he was just talking about the fucking movie like they hadn't just fucking seen it! When they did get home he didn't get a chance to sleep then either, Chris wanted to cuddle and talk about their relationship and the future and watch television together. Hell, August didn't get to sleep until eleven last night and know some loud ass noises were waking him up? If Chris wasn't cute and hella tight.. "Bahbeh.." he groaned, "The fuck you doing this early in the damn morning?"

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