Damian, Bart, Garfield, Jaime | +Special+ When you turn him on

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A/n: Read at your own will and it's not that dirty so read and chill out. Reminder, if its mature content then just imagine them older.

Damian Wayne (5th Robin):

You groaned in annoyance when you sat down and your shorts clung to you like second skin. It was very uncomfortable but sadly all your other clothes were in the laundry at the moment. You just have to bare with it for now.

Ding. Ding. Ding.

You hear your door bell ring and get up causing yourself to get a wedgy. You tried taking it out on your way to the door but no matter what you did, it was no use. Giving up you open your door. It was Damian.

"Oh hey, DaiDai." You greeted him with a kiss before turning around and heading back to your spot. Damian right on your tail once he shuts the door. He sits left of you on the sofa. "What's up?" You ask. He shrugged.

"Nothing, I just wanted to see you Dear." He admitted. You gushed at his statement. "Aw, That's so cute!- Now what's the real reason?" He sighed and reached into the bag you didn't notice he had and brought a paper out.

"I need help with this." You took the paper and looked at it. "This is math." "I know."

"But you're great at math! You exclaimed. "Eh. Not recently. No." You cocked a brow but didn't snoop further into the matter. "Did you bring a pen or pencil?" He nods his head and reach into his bag again. He pulled out a pen and presented it to you with a small smile on his lips.

"Here you go, (Y/-" The pen slip out of his hand as he was handing it to you. It landed on the floor to your right next to your other couch. You sighed and shook your head. "I will get it." You got up and went over to it and bend down to pick it up.

Just as it was between your fingers it slipped again and went under the couch. "The hell type of pen is this?" You asked him but you didn't get an answer. So you got on your knees and reached under the couch with much effort until you finally got it 2 minutes later.

You turned around to Damian and cheered to him that you got it. "I got the pen!" You beamed but stopped when you notice his face is red. You rush to him. "Are you okay?" You put your hand to his forehead. "You're burning up." You saw him visibly gulp before he stood up quickly with his bag in front of his lower half.

He grabs the paper and looks at the pen before his blush worsens."On second thought, I can figure it out myself." He said heading to your door. You gave him a weird look as he's at the door and hold up his pen. "Your pen!?"

"Keep it." He yelled back slamming the door behind him.

"What in the world?" You mumbled to yourself.

Bart Allen (Impulse):

You needed some new clothes after your old ones somehow gotten chewed up by your dog. You didn't want to go alone, and Bart just so happen to show up at your doorstep looking for something to do.

You practically dragged him to the mall to do some shopping. No questions asked or answered. You went from store to store trying on every possible outfit that looked nice to you and Bart was growing tired of it.

"But, (Y/n). Can we go do something else?" He whined, holding all your bags. You rolled your eyes at his childish behavior and pointed to a different store. "That's the last store. Promise." You said heading towards it. Bart following helplessly behind.

Once inside you immediately saw this drop dead gorgeous black mini dress. You grabbed it in your size and told Bart you were going to try it on. "Whatever." He grumbled.

When it was on, you stepped out of the changing room into the waiting room where Bart was impatiently waiting. You cleared you throat to gain his attention.

His head snapped towards your direction from whatever he was invested in moments before. His eyes widen and his mouth a gasped.

"Well, what do you think?" You asked giving a twirl. He tried to speak but ended up looking like a fish outta water. You laughed. "I guess I look good then?"

Suddenly, He stands up, all bags covering his front and his face beat red. "We should go.. Like now." He said before fast walking out of the store and to the direction of one of the malls exit.

"You're dirty." You called after him.

Garfield Mark "Gar" Logan (Beast boy):

You looked at yourself in the public bathroom mirror and readjusted your button up blouse. It was a little tight on the top area but all and all it was a nice blouse.

Which is why you wore it today on your date with Garfield. Finally satisfied with it, you leave the bathroom and go back to the table outside where Garfield is sitting patiently.

"Sorry, I took too long." He shook his head and smiled at you. "You weren't long, Boss." His nickname for you made you smile. You picked up the menu and looked at it. "So what are we getting?" You ask.

"I was thinking we could each get a cheese burger and fries and share a smoothy." Garfield replied with his face hidden behind the menu in his hands. You smirked. "Real smooth, Gar." "Heh, well you know that's what I do." He joked.

You both ordered the food. During the waiting you would reach up and pull your blouse close at the top as it would open some. Growing tired of doing that you stopped. You waited about 15 minutes before the food came. When it did, Garfield wasted no time in chowing down.

"Garfield, slow down or you'll choke o-" You were cut mid sentence when two buttons on your blouse popped and fall on the table. "Oh, no." You whined as you examined it. Without those to buttons it showed a lot of cleavage.

You groaned. "Dammit, Gar. Do you mind if we-" "Go home? Yea sounds like a good idea." He said in a rush. He digs in his pocket and takes the correct change out and places it on the table. He looks at you one last time, blushes and turns to walk away.

"At least wait for me!" You called to him.

Jaime Reyes (Blue beetle):

"Do I have too?" You whined. Your mom was making you wash the car on a Saturday when you could be sleep. "Yes. You do." Your mom deadpanned. "But it's hot outside." You tried to reason. "All the more reason to do it. The water's great. Now go do it."

You rolled your eyes before heading to your room to change. You settled on some black short shorts and a purple tank top. You then go grab a bucket, some soap, a rag and the holes and then got started on the car.

About half way through you're already soaked to the bone and exhausted. You step on the hood of the car to reach the top when suddenly you hear a thump sound. You turn to where it came from and saw Jaime standing in front of your house with his phone on the ground. 'Ouch.' You thought.

"Hey, babe? You okay.." You asked, getting off the hood. You threw the bucket and a jogged over to him and pared into his face. "Your face is red. Are you running a fever?"

"No." He squealed. "I'm fine."

"Oh? Really?" You asked getting closer as you finally understood what's going on. "If your so fine then why is your phone drop on the floor? You would never to do that, not even on accident. "

His breathe hitched and he looked away from you. "Uh. Um. Uh. P-People make m-misakes?"

"Uh huh." You turned away from him and went back to the car. "Your okay to stay and watch it you want." You said smirking and turned around only to see no one. "Jaime??" You called for him. "Oh my lord."

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