Planning the wedding

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Wally West (Kid flash):

"Ohhhh, Ahhhhh." said Wally again as he was flipping through a wedding planner. You sighed as he continued this. It was cute at first because you thought he was really enjoying it but he was just too enjoying it now.

"Wally, can you stop." You told him, grabbing hold of his arm firmly. He snapped his eyes from the book and to only meet your intensive glare.

He couldn't utter a word as it was like he was a deer caught in headlights. Your headlights. So he gave a numbingly nod your way before realizing something.

"Wait. Why are you glaring at me for?" His comment just made you glare harder.

Dick Grayson (1st Robin):

"Uh, (Y/n)... Maybe that's a little too much (F/c)." Dick expressed warily as he looked at how much the simple photo of what the wedding would be like in (F/c).

You gasped dramatically, placing your hand over your heart and stared at him like a fish on pause. "Dare you not say, for too much (F/c) is not a thing. If anything there should be more."

Que sweat drop.

"Why are you talking like that?" He questioned you with focused eyes. "Oh, what ever do you mean, deary?" You crossed your legs and bat you eyes at him, innocently.

He looked at you before turning his gaze back to the wedding maker. "Sorry, but we won't be needing that much, (F/c)." He told the person flatly.

Que ten times more louder gasp.

"But, Grayson!" He gave a shake to his head. "How about you think about this? It would go so well-"

"No. And I mean it." You smacked your teeth. "Buzz kill.."

Conner Kent (Super boy):



"Conner? Can you please talk. This planning is made for two- well, three if we are counting the wedding planner."


"What's wrong? Do you not want to get married anymore?! Om-" You are suddenly pulled in a tight embrace by him. "Of course, I want to get married. I just... I'm just nervous that I might mess up."

You pulled away from him and smiled. "No," You started, shaking your head, "You can't mess up. Not this because I do want to marry you and I will. So stop worrying."

He nods. "Okay, So what am I suppose to do again?"

Kaldur (Aqualad):

"Maybe we should move your Uncle Bert to number 13th table." Kaldur suggested. You shook your head, looking at the table planner.

"No, He feels more comfortable when around Uncle Reiner, so he should be placed at table number 7 where he is."

"What then where do we put, your Uncles Eren and Jean?"

"Definitely, not at the same table." Kaldur nodded in agreement. The last time Kaldur met them was at a cafe and they ended up getting you guys kicked out.


"Hm?" You hummed showing him you are listening.

"You're not actually related to them, right?" You laughed and shook your head.

"For the last time, babe. I'm not, they just act like one."

Damian Wayne (5th Robin):

"We should have these ribbons hanging from the Chandler to the ceiling loosely."

Damian nods. "Yes, dear."

"And we should have these roses in the center of the tables."

Damian nods again. "Yes, dear."

"And for the meal we should do either some type of fish with a side dish or stake with baked potatoes."

Once again Damian nods. "Yes, dear."

"And then later on, maybe we could murder all our guest." You suggested lastly.

Damian nodded again. "Yes, dear - Wait, WHAT?" His eyes wide and brows furrowed, he stares at you in shock as you begin to double over in laughter.

"You should have seen your face!" you teased him, "It was hilarious."

"Why would you say that?" he questioned. "Maybe chime in more than with a "yes, dear" when I give suggestions for our wedding."

Damian gave you a sheepish smile.

"I just don't want to stress you out. I heard that wedding planning can do that."

"If you don't pitch in, I will be stressed out." Damian smiled. "I will."

Bart Allen (Impulse):

"(Y/n), I like this cake. Looks delicious to eat all by myself."

"Don't even go there, Bart!" You said, giving him a stern look while he grinned at you. You two were at a cake shop picking out a cake for the wedding in a few weeks.

"But, why not? You know how I am." He said, taking your hand and leading you around to view more cakes.

"Than we'll get more than one cake." You told him.

"Let's get five."


"Awwww, come on!"

Garfield Mark "Gar" Logan (Beast boy):

Garfield groaned in fustration, head buried in his hands.

"Why is this so difficult?!"

You blinked, "Gar, what's so difficult about picking flowers?"

"Well, what if we pick flowers that stand out to much? What if we picked out flowers that are just so ugly nobody wants to go to our wedding? What if-"

You placed a finger on his lips to shush him.

"Nobodies not gonna want to come to our wedding because of flowers. They're coming to see up get wedded."

"But..!" You shook your head and gave him a gentle smile.

"Relax. I'll pick the flowers, okay?"


Jaime Reyes (Blue beetle):

"The tables should be set close together but not close enough that there is no room." You said to the wedding planner.

Jaime nodded, sitting beside you. "She's the bride. She knows what she's talking 'bout."

The wedding laughed and shook her head, "Okay, then..."

"What does me having to be the bride to know what I'm talking about?" You asked him. He just batted his eyes and shrugged his shoulders.

"You just do." He then got up and walked in the kitchen, leaving you utte

Roy Harper (Red arrow):

"No. No. No. We should do this, not that." you told Roy. You two were sitting in the living room of your apartment going over the wedding.

"But those roses on the tables will stand out like a sour thumb and have all the attention when it should be on us." he explained.

You looked back at the book where it showed a sample table with roses on it and nodded in agreement to Roy's previous statement. They really do draw the most attention, even in a picture.

"Okay, no roses. Then what?" You asked, completely puzzled as you looked off in thought. Roy nudged you when he had gotten an idea.

"How about one big fat candle that smells really great? It would also be designed great too and maybe add a few lilies circling around it. "

It only took you a millisecond to believe that it was a wonderful idea.

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