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       Today was more fun than my usual activity. A childhood friend of mine, Bri, was with my mom and I today. My day would've been really good if they had used Spencer or male pronouns, but that won't happen anytime soon. Bri was pretty accepting when she found out I'm Pan so that's pretty nice.
         Changing the subject, earlier today my mom, grandma Becky, Bri, and I were discussing about Bri and I going to Thailand. I remembered I had a conversation with my mom about how supportive Becky is and this idea came to mind: while I'm away I'll ask Becky how she feels about transgenders and if she says she's fine I'll ask her is she can secretly get me a binder. If not then i'd stick with plan B.
Plan B is my internet friend, we'll call her A, buying me one and sending it to me. I was sooo grateful when she said that me, but I think Plan A is a bit more safer and she won't have to spend her hard working money on me.
Another thing, Becky and my mom were talking about my grandpa today, he has this illness I forgot the name of, and she said to Becky, and I quote"Well we had to hide the medicine from Jasmine because she tried to kill herself,"she said that part pretty fast and said it as if it were nothing.
Like, if you're going to bring it up tell her in private and more detailed don't just brush it off. And while you're at it, why don't also include what you said about me being selfish, hm?
Anyways, this is a topic for a different chapter.

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