Whoop 9/12/16

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         Well I don't blame you(the reader) for removing the book since I I didn't update for so long. I think I'll just be dating the chapters just for the fuck of it. I also spent a little while rewriting a few chapters because cringe.
          The new school I go to is great except for the gym coaches cheesus rice. My grades are doing pretty well I have a 79 in math though :'D it'll raise up though. Also I have a crush on a boy and he gave me a note and confessed as well on Friday and oohhhh mah god I probably reread that note every fucking minute oh my gosh I'm was so happy.
           I also realized I left my bag of pencils at school, with the note in it :'D stab me in the heart with a stake. Hopefully I'll find it tomorrow. He's so fucking sweet and cute and AKoalsocooQowockw I was able to talk to him without my face turning red every two seconds so that's a success.
He also has a football game tomorrow but I don't know if I'll be able to go ; - ; I'll try to. I feel like he'll be more successful than my other relationships I dunno there's something about him.

          So four hours later I wake up it's eight and FUCK ME I forgot my homework. And my hur is blonde ish now??

          I think I'm gonna shave the sides again my hair is poking my ears and it feels like a is centipede in my ears

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          I think I'm gonna shave the sides again my hair is poking my ears and it feels like a is centipede in my ears. Wow from blue, to blue purple, to rainbow, to dark purple(got that dyed while I was out), to light brown(also was out), and now to blonde. Haha evolution.
          I came out to two of my teachers about me being me and they were totally accepting, but the thing is my parents aren't, as I've explained a few months ago, and if they have to email my parents it's just gonna be a fucking mess. They might accidentally use Spencer, male pronouns, and asjfkslfm
           I stopped by the counsellors today and she was really nice and she's better than the last one I had. She told me about whether or not I should come out to all my teachers and the thing is if I do that then I'll have to talk to my parents again and I'm so fucking scared if I do I'll really be sent away to some boot camp.
          I can't be sent there. Can't. I have a new start already, I'm helping out a friend who just lost someone, another gets really bad panic attacks, and I just can't. I don't want to leave them at all! Sorry this just turned from super happy to super sad.
          Long story short I kinda regret coming out to my teachers. I'll rant later.

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