9/13/16 - 9/14/16

12 1 0

           I sat my stupid ass in water and embarrassed myself and screeched like a donkey. Yup. . . . Today is ThreeDimensionality birthday =D she's fucking great I swear. She's the best asexual person I've ever met. It's funny though we always make dirty jokes to each other.
            Anywho I have a shit fucking ton of homework to do and what am I doing you ask? Well I'm typing this out while listening to skillet like the responsible person I am :'D
           So there's this thingy in my art class where you draw this hybrid made from three animals and I was like HELL TO THE FUCKING YEAH because I love drawing stuff like that.

Two hours later after doing Ap homework and Arrow I'm still working. Yay me. I noticed that my chapters are super short so I'll try my best to lengthen the chapters a bit more.
I need to finish up the webcomic for Homestuck but I don't know where my uncles lap top is at so :'D

            I need to finish up the webcomic for Homestuck but I don't know where my uncles lap top is at so :'D

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My background

And my serious screen saver

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And my serious screen saver.
Fuck me.

My dad for some reason likes to take pictures of me when ever I least expect it like

)               My dad for some reason likes to take pictures of me when ever I least expect it like

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This          What even

Hoppla! Dieses Bild entspricht nicht unseren inhaltlichen Richtlinien. Um mit dem Veröffentlichen fortfahren zu können, entferne es bitte oder lade ein anderes Bild hoch.

What even.

Next day and I did the wrong chapter for Vocab words. Fuck. I thought it was chapter three but it was actually chapter four. Phack. Oh well I'll take a late grade.
Also in choir I tried to sing high but my voice kept cracking and the girl sitting next to me sings really well =D My hamstrings ache from stretching in gym so much. We have to do a dance fucking routine. . .ye.
Well I have a shit ton of homework to work on so I'll write tomorrow or the day after.

Between You And MeWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt