Is this the end of 1D

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I thought for a little bit more. And it sounded like a good decision. Now me and Louis wouldn't talk. Management hated me. Zayn,Liam and Harry were probably disappointed in me. And anyway.. They were going to go of to tour without me. As I started walking, I could feel Someone was following me. I kept turning around, but nobody was there. I thought, and thought and ended up finding my self in a place I didn't know existed. Yes! I was lost, in a country where they speak a different language. So I'm screwed.

I tried to trace my footsteps but I found myself even more lost then before argh! When would this day end. This is all to much for one person. I wonder how Diana is feeling. I gosh I had to get back to the hotel. What if she needed something. I quickly stopped someone and asked for direction. I was embarrassed when the pointed to a place right in front of me. Okay I was loosing it.

I walked up up the stairs because I thought I might bump into the boys if I went up the lift. I entered the room and Diana was lying in the same position I left her. She was asleep. They wanted me to pick between someone I love. And my job. And it was obvious they didn't like which one I chose. I sat down on the edge of the bed and started stoking her hair I kissed her forehead. Her eyes shot open and she flinched "ahh" I saw her hold her stomach "babe it's just me" "sorry I didn't realise babe" I nodded "what's up?" I should tell her.. I don't want to keep any secrets from her "Diana, I'm thinking of leaving one direction"

I saw her eyes widening. Okay she obviously didn't like that idea "no offence nail but are you stupid! You need those boys and then boys need you, If you left.." "I have my reasons." "What are they then" "they are basically asking me to pick between you or my work." "And?" "I picked you. And they didn't like it." She looked down and her knees "none of them like me?" I didn't want to say anything "I don't know. I feel like they are totally different people when we are with management. One minute they'll tell me I'm Doing a great job, the next there telling me that I need to make a choice." "I don't think you should leave one direction." She said "then what should I do?" She opened her mouth to speak. There was a knock on the door. I got up to get it and Liam was standing there

"If you have come here to tell me I've done a bad thing today save your breath." Liam looked over at Diana and nodded she didn't do anything "look mate, I think we should all talk about this." "There's nothing to talk about" "what do you mean?" "I mean that I quit one direction." Liam started shaking his head "wh-what do you mean your leaving one direction?" "You heard me. If you guys can't except how I'm happy, then..." I looked at the floor "it was great working with you guys though. If you need anything you have my number an.." "Your not leaving the band with ought talking to us about it." "I'm talking to you about it aren't I?" "You know what niall. France has changed you a bit. I think we need a break on the tour so we can all relax and think stuff trough. Yeah?" "I don't need to think about this anymore. If management can't except how I'm happy and they want to change ever detail about me then I'm afraid it's time to leave."

"Don't be so confident Niall!" I heard Diana say . Me and Liam both looked at her "Diana's right." I laughed "course she is.. I mean I want one reason to stay in this band!" "We are four of your closest mates your brothers." I shut my eyes. "Mate, we love you and we except you the way you are. Leaving the band isn't a option. You're going to make stuff worse." "Liam.. Stuff are bad enough." Diana was just sitting in the corner not knowing what to do. Liam was standing in front of me with pleading eyes. And what about me. I'm so lost in myself..

"Think about it!" Liam said walking out the door. "Don't forget to tell the other lads." I shouted. Liam turned around now I lost the band cause if my childish behaviour. " you do know that this is the stupidest thing you have ever done and you are going to regret ever detail of it." I nodded "Diana, am I a bad person?" "What of course not." "I am aren't I. I'm always making people upset. I'm always hurting people," she just looked at me. "I am aren't i?" "No! Don't you ever say that again. You are not a bad person. Your just a person that keeps stuff to themselves and then it kills you inside because it's just stuck in there. It's like your fighting with yourself"

"I never thought I'd be the one to lead the direction in the wrong way I almost feel sorry for my self" I saw Diana getting out of bed "did you know that you saved me Niall." "How." "Well don't you remember? Actually you've saved me 4 times now." I looked up at her. I didn't remember "once when I was raped . The second time when I left the house and Robert found me. The third time when I was kidnapped." "But you said four?" "And your saving me right now as well just by being beside me! I know when your here nothing can happen. So don't call yourself a bad person. You've got a pure heart of gold." She smiled at me "okay that has to be the best sentence I've ever given." She said I nearly cried when she said that "why are you laughing?" "Cause it's a paragraph not a sentence!" "Okay whatever." She rolled her eyes. There was two things i wasn't ready to give up. One of them was Diana and the other one was my job.

Two days later

"Your not actually going tot leave one direction are you Niall! No this can't b true my Niall is leaving one direction! One direction won't be the same without Niall! If Niall leaves one direction then I'm Leaving this fandom" I was reading all the comments on what people thought about me leaving one direction. Before I was so certain I was going to leave. But now I'm having second thoughts. "Okay now that we have Niall sitting here with us, I'd like to ask, are you thinking of leaving one direction?" "Maybe." "Why?" I looked At my phone again. Zayn took it out of my hand and placed it infront of him. "Why?" "Because.. You all wanted to carry on.. You didn't even ask me how I felt about it, you didn't ask me if I was ready! You tried to break me and my girlfriend up. And too be fair your stupid if you think that I was going to stand here and take that!its bad enough all the songs in the new album are crap! But now, I'm everyone's least favourite in the groups because I'm in love." I looked over at Louis who wasn't staring at me. I'm pretty sure he wasn't even listening. "Can we have some time alone with him?" Harry asked. All the others nodded there head and left "you know if you leave one direction it won't be the same." Harry started off "you are gonna hurt us and everyone else you need to think about this!" Harry carried on "what's there to think about. I looked straight at Louis and Liam "mate. If you believe that me and Louis don't want you here. Your so wrong! We love you to bits. Don't we Louis?" He nudged his shoulder Louis didn't say anything. "What about me?" I heard Zayn say next to me "you know what a big difference that would make in my life if you left the band right now!" I looked into his eyes and I could see he was on the edge of crying "please don't leave. I want my brothers to always be here together and never argue and.." "We do love you a lot." Louis cut Zayn off "even though how much of a dick you can be." He looked up and smiled at me. We both got out of out chairs and hugged each other "I'm so sorry Louis!" "No! Don't apologise I should apologise for not being so understanding! You don't even understand how happy I am you are staying" I left a moment of silence "ermm I never said I was staying."

We all say back around the table. We started giving out memories to each other "do you remember the video diaries?" Liam asked "how could we forget." Zayn added "Louis you were so funny!" Harry said "do you think we should do a very last one?" Louis asked

We a turned our heads to his direction "last..last one ?" "Yeah I mean now that Niall's leaving." I looked down at my lap. "You know what Louis!" I said "we can do a very last video diary. The day that we all leave one direction together." All there heads snapped my direction. "Yo..your staying!" Zayn asked. "Yeah, I don't know where i would be with out my 4 brothers. "So you couldn't have told us before. I mean we are all sitting around a round table sobbing." Louis stated! We all started laughing. Go on live stream! They all looked at each other confused but Liam finally put it on. As soon as it came on I looked at the boys. "Let's sing torn"

Liam smiled and started singing. A hit off key cause of all the crying but still perfect. Then Harry came in and me,Zayn and Louis started echoing! It was so great and I found myself standing in Simons summer house again. I closed my eyes and took it all in.

After the song finished and we closed the laptop and we talked to management about everything we could finally go. "Niall. You know you said that all the songs are shit?" "I didn't mean it!" They all started laughing. "We know you meant it Niall!!" "How about we out Diana in the album" my eyes grew wider "are you joking?" "No! I mean it's a really good song! Why not?" I smiled "OMG thank you so much I love you guys!"

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