Like Lightning

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Here he is!!! The beautiful man...SODAPOP! I'll shut up now...

Your mom literally kicked you out of the house. There is no way you're going around town at 12:00 at night!

"Well, Alexia, it's 12:17 so I wouldn't take you around. This town is dangerous at nightfall." Darry explained.

I shrugged, "Call me Alex. Anyways, I know my mom, she's not letting me back inside for at least another hour or two. Where would I sleep.?"

Ponyboy starting tapping his feet, "You could always come to our place. You can have the couch, me and Soda were gonna sleep there tonight, but you can have it."

I giggled, "Sleep with soda? Guess you like it a lot then."

He was about to say something, but I was already heading to their front gate. Darry jogged up beside me and opened it, and we both walked into their lawn.

Their grass was all long and uneven, it looked terrible. I'm glad I'm not sleeping outside. Darry opened the door, and I didn't even bother looking around. I hopped right on the couch, took a blanket down, and feel asleep. All I could hear before then, was an extra voice, that sounded clam and soothing.

~~ Time Skip To Morning ~~

I groaned and sat up, feeling a heavy pressure on my feet. When my vision cleared, all I could see was an angel. Glowing and radiant and beautiful.

"Hey, how was you're sleep?" He asked.

I put a hand on my head, feeling the crazy hair on top.

"Good. Your couch is awful comfy." I replied.

He laughed and his white smile was blinding.

"Awake? You've been asleep for at least 8 hours. It's already 8:29." Darry said from the kitchen. "Want some cake?"

I was confused, "Cake? What about eggs or bacon or pancakes?"

All three boys laughed, even Pony.

"We have eggs...but we enjoy a good chocolate cake in the morning. Soda made it, so it's gonna be good." Pony laughed, eyeing Darry cautiously.

"I'll show YOU what's good if you don't keep your trap shut kid." Darry said.

The boy on the couch stood up, pointing at my feet. I realized he had been sitting on them, again, and I moved them closer to me.

"So, where did you come from?" The couch boy asked me.

I decided to use the nickname, " New York. I was about to ask you the same thing Couch Boy."

He sat back down, "New York??? Wow, I'm just from here. Always have been. My name is Sodapop."

I laughed, "Sorry Ponyboy! I thought you meant a Pepsi or Coke or something. I didn't know Soda was a guy!"

Pony sat down at a table near the kitchen.

"Shoot, I thought everyone knew about Soda. He's a ladies man." Pony replied.

Soda got up and ruffled Pony's hair, "Shut your trap, Pony. I don't feel like talking about girls right now."

"Well, I'm right here. Kinda hard now, it's it?" I said.

-Ring Ring-

I jumped up, remembering I had my phone. I fumbled around for it in my jean shorts. Caller ID: Mother🤓🤗.

I picked up, "Hello? Yes I'm fine, I'm over Darry's. You kicked me out, where else was I supposed to go at 12:00 at night! They will show me around today. No mom, did YOU see any Starbucks or Dunkin on our drive in? Whatever, bye."

I got off the cell phone and they all looked at me with confused eyes and sad eyes.

"What?" I asked.

"What is THAT?" Pony asked, pointing at the phone.

I looked at it in my hand, "This? This is an iPhone. Just got released the other day. It's huge in New York."

They all seemed to understand, but their eyes were still filled with sadness.

I sighed, "What now? My mom is driving me crazy and now I see 2 sad boys and 1 sad father? Where's your mom?"

Darry dropped his pan and came stomping out of the kitchen and into the living room. I was frightened, he looked like he could maul a BEAR.

Realizing my being scared, he stopped. He dropped his hands and sat down on a nearby chair.

"Sorry, it's just I ain't their father, I'm their brother. Our parents died in a car crash. I'm looking after them, if they do anything wrong they will be sent into a boys home so fast it'll make their head spin." Darry explained. "Treat your parents right kid, you'll never know how much you miss them until they're gone."

I couldn't take his speech, and I cried like hell. Just sitting their on the couch I bawled my eyes out.

"Alexi? Alexia are you okay?!" Pony screeched.

Between sobs I said, "My father... Died in... In a plane... Hurt like... Stabbing my heart."

Soda ran over to me, sat down beside me, and hugged me tight. My heart fluttered with happiness and sadness in unison. He felt my pain, he knew how It felt to lose someone close, they all did.

"It'll be okay, Nothing can hurt you here." Soda said, muffled by my shoulder.

I knew it was true. I don't know what happened, but something hit me like lighting.

Does anyone else wish this was REALLY HAPPENING!?!? I really, really do. Anyways, I'm super sorry if any of you actually lost someone. You can always come here, to Wattpad, and read stories that make you feel warm and fuzzy inside. I always do and it makes my feel so good. Bye guys, see you next chapter. ☺️

I Love Him... {A Sodapop Curtis Story} [[COMPLETED]]Where stories live. Discover now