Roasted Like A Marshmallow

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Ok guys...his chapter you find out what REALLY happened. LOL, see ya in the ending A/N.

You never saw that rock before, but you noticed it now. Why didn't you stay on their pathway to the door, you wouldn't have tripped over that giant rock laying in the grass.

You felt a rush of pain jolt through you like a lightning strike. Last thing you felt was your cheek, smack hitting the ground, and your head bonking the hard earth, and seeing only black.

When you woke up you were surrounded by white walls. A weird pouch full of water and another full of blood hung on a metal pole next to you. You lifted your head up ever so slightly to see that you were on a bed, but not a familiar one.

There were 3 chairs against the far wall. One contained Pony, the other was dear Soda, and the last was...Dally.

"W-why am I here?" I stuttered.

None of them seemed to know I was awake until now. Soda looked up, tear streaked face but no longer crying. Pony was patting him on the back, whispering good omens. Dally was smiling, but I could see the frown marks from earlier.

Soda jumped up, kneeled down by my side, held my hand, and looked me straight in the eyes.

"Youre okay Alex. You seem to have a thing for fainting huh?" He sniffled.

"Yeah," I whispered, "And you seem to have a thing for crying, huh?"

All of a sudden, Soda was pulled backwards and was replaced by the smiling face of Dallas Winston.

"Hey baby, quite a fall there. You're looking mighty fine." Dally reassured.

I heard Soda reply, "If you don't shut your mouth Dallas, the next thing coming out of it will be your teeth."

He laughed, "Oh I'm so scared." Then he turned back to me. "Why are you with this kid, Alex? You should be with a tough, tuff, man like me. I could make you very happy."

I quietly snickered, "Oh, are you leaving?"

Pony muttered, "You just got roasted like a double marshmallow!"

Suddenly, it hit me. When I had a concussion and fainted before, I stayed at their place. Why was I in a hospital? And why am I hooked up to a BLOOD bag?

"What happened to me!" I panicked.

Soda stood up and got to me other side. I completely ignored Dally on my right and turned to Soda.

"When you feel, you landed on the pebble pathway so that explains some deep cuts on your arms. They are pretty sharp. But when you tripped on the pierced your leg, all the way through. It was some crazy surgery to get it out." He explained, holding my hand.

I whispered again, not wanting to strain myself, "We have a thing for crying and injured legs, huh?"

Soda gulped, "You got that right, baby."

Dally stood up on my right. I looked at him, and he was STEAMING.

"No one calls her baby but ME, got it?" He yelled.

The nurse walked in, "Shhhh...don't talk so loud. Your gonna lower the IQ of the whole hospital."

Pony and her did a high-five and it was obvious Dallas had a thing for getting "rekt."

Dallas looked back at me.

"Come on, baby, talk to me. Tell me at least you care for me." He whimpered.

It was my turn to burn him, again.

"Wanna talk?" I held of my hand ever so slightly. "Well, talk to the HAND, cause the rest of me can barely tolerate your existence."

Everyone in the room slapped their knees and died of laughter, even the nurse. Dally, steaming with embarrassment, stomped out of the room. Soda grasped my hand and kissed it multiple times.

"Wow, without you he never would've left!" Soda exclaimed with joy.

"Aren't you guys friends though? I mean you are part of the same gang." I questioned.

He rubbed the back of his head, "Well...yes. We all have our good times. But when he's hitting on my girl...I can't just let him do it. Ya know?"

It was MY turn to get steamed. HIS girl?

"Hold up." I tried talking as loud as I could without hurting myself. A rock had slightly pierced my throat area.

"I am nobody's girl. I'm my own person. No one can control me, I am a free gal! I just like you...I like you a whole lot Sodapop Curtis."

He smiled, "Sorry Alex. You are your own person, I totally know. And thanks, cause I like you too. I like you a whole lot Alex..."

"Dawson." I replied.

He stood up and kissed me, then held my hand. The nurse was crying in the corner, she was so moved by our love.

"Well, " she said in-between sobs, "Alex here has to stay for a month or 2 while she rests. If she tries walking on that foot any sooner than a month she's gonna snap the bone we just repaired. The cast won't help in this case."

Soda took a deep breath.

"Ok nurse," then he looked at me. "I will visit you everyday, no matter what I'm doing, I'll stop and come see you. I won't waste a second more."

I smiled. Later, everyone left and I knew this was going to be a long month or 2.

Usually when they get hurt it ain't HOSPITAL hurt, but friend...just got hospital hurt. Anyways, yeah you tripped over a big rock and it pierced your leg, breaking the bone, blah blah blah. Great!

Its not great, actually. Have you guys noticed that I've been trying to make the chapters longer so you guys get more out of your reading experience? My limit is 850-1500 words each chapter. Anything more or less I'm done for. 😏🔫.

See you in the next chapter, it's not gonna be too specific. Yes it is...BYE!!!

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