4 | Darkstripe

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English Dictionary
Darkstripe: a person who is a traitor; cannot make up their mind; will switch loyalties on you at the last moment; someone that is a complete idiot. This is the definition of Darkstripe. ding! This is all true about Darkstripe. Like who's side is he on? ding! First, he's all like "yeh Tigerclaw lets kill the kittypet! I will always stand with you!" And then Tigerstar leaves and he's like "naw what u don tried to do it wrong" and it's like COME ON!!! And then he just can't make up his mind! ding! It's like he then turns against Firestar and tries to kill him or somebody he tries to kill in the battle with BloodClan. And then when he goes to the Dark Forest, he like "where's StarClan? I should be there!" And then it's like, "boi -.-" like realleh?! And then the thing with Sorrelkit! THAT WAS HORIRBLE! ding! He tried to kill her with deathberries! ding! And he was meeting up with A ShadowClan cat! ding! And he's just a plain idiot and a traitor! That's all Ima say but it's so true!

Total Sins: 6

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