12 | Firestar #2

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(Now y'all know I used my own drawing of Firestar ass. I ain't about to go online and save some shit and took up some space I ain't no dumbass y'all no that.)

Alright, I'm sorry, but Firestar, I GOTTA ROAST YOU AGAIN. Just kidding, I ain't sorry. I just finished reading Firestar's quest, and When I finished that shit, I was like, I have to roast bro again! I ain't putting no respect on Firestar name rn. I been watching Berleezy lately so I've picked up some roasting skills. Firestar, I'm finna roast you so hard, that imma put you on a turning table, put a fire under that shit, rub you with some barbecue sauce, and cook you so hard that not even StarClan bitch ass can't save you! And when I roast you, you gonna taste hella good!

FIRESTAR, IF YOU DON'T GET YOUR ORANGE ASS, DUMBASS, SAFE ASS, TOO TRUSTING ASS, LYING ASS OUT OF HERE. That's right, I followed you through all of this SkyClan shit! Firestar you a loser fam! I mean like, it rains hard as fuck, you KNOW a big ass storm is coming. Y'all find an ABANDONED nest, and yo girl suggest y'all stay there so you ain't wet. AND YOU SAY NO?! YOU WANT TO GET OUT OF THE COVER? YOUR DUMB ASS BETTER GET OVER HERE BOI. You so stupid. Instead of staying dry, you decide to go outside and sleep under some grass?! That shit ain't going to keep you dry! And then because of that shit you get swept away by some flood water. You know you can barely swim! Why you tryna sleep in a spot where you get drenched by water? And then yo girl get mad at you cuz she knew you was after some other coo earlier. That shit your fault! You shoulda told her a long time ago that you didn't love the old bitch! Just tell her anyway, you don't fuck with dead coo! And you being to soft! She ain't letting you speak and you ain't shutting her up and telling her the truth! YOU HAVE YOUR OWN VOICE. I get it, coo is powerful, but you got your own voice! So instead of twitching your damn whiskers, use your voice! So you lost with no coo to keep you going, and you walking through some unknown goddamned territory. You find some dudes who can help you find your coo and they make you wait to find her. BOIIIIIII! BE A MAN AND DEMAND TO SEE HER NOW. YOU DON'T WANT THE COO?! YOU POOR EXCUSE FOR A CAT YOU BITCH! Yada yada, you find the hoe, now lets skip to the part where you get to the gorge. You find those claw marks and think that they are kits claws?! Are you serious?! If you don't get your dumbass outta here. Just die. Please. And we gonna skip around the time in the book. Remember the first rat fight? Where Patchfoot's (I think) shoulder got fucked up? You would think that Firestar would know what to use for a rat bite! I know he's not a med cat but he has been in enough rat fights to know that you use burdock root! He shouldn't know by being taught, he should know by hearing it said a million times! Is your memory THAT bad you fire bitch? And him and Skywatcher. I'm not even going to talk about it. Just, no. That's all I'm gonna touch bases on, SO I'LL SEE YOU IN THE NEXT CHAPTER!

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