7 | Firestar (Surprise At The End!)

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Ugh.... Not this guy again... Let's start off by seeing who it is. Firestar. ding! That name is s sin itself. Next, him being a kittypet. ding! Like Bluestar, ding!, just forgot the warrior code and was like "Lets take in a kittypet har har har! >:D" and its like just no. And then, it's like everything bad thing that happens to him somehow magically turns into a good thing! ding! ding! ding! ding! MAJOR SIN! He finds Yellowfang, and it turns out bad becuz he has to watch her, hen all of a sudden she liek, "Thank you for bringing me here I wish u coulda been my son!" LIKE REALLY?! Now some ppl say, "There are no Mary or Gary-Sue's in the books cuz they r the original characters." BUT NOOOOOO! In fact, Firestar is the first and worst Gary-sue ever! ding! HALLLL NAW! Now, he ruined ThunderClan. ding! ding! ding! ding! ding! ding! ding! ding! ding! ding! I HATE TC NOW! Of course, some ppl would think logically unlike me and say, "No, Bluestar is the one who ruined TC becuz she's the one who brought Firestar into the clans in the first place!", but think, Bluestar invited ONE kittypet. And you might think, "But Bluestar also invited in Cloudkit/tail!" But no, Bluestar didn't invite him in, Firestar brought him to Bluestar, then asked Bluestar if he could stay telling her how great he'd be. So, after Bluestar dies Firestar invites every single kittypet or loner or rogue that comes across ThunderClan into TC. And then, letting cats like Millie and Daisy keep their names. ding! What happened to "You can't keep a paw in two worlds" or something like that? I think that Firestar forgot the warrior code or something. ISH JUST STUPID! I swear to god my hair is about to blow off! I JUST HATE FIRESTAR! I'm literally so mad rn that I can't think of anything else, but I KNOW there's more. Let me think... Oh yeh, the stupid separating Squirrelpaw (she was a -paw at the time) and Brambleclaw! ding! Like come on, that was just unnecessary! You're really going to separate your daughter and another tom because of a prophecy you don't even know the meaning of? If Firestar was Justin Bieber, he'd get so much hate that he'd need to sing Sorry at every concert to say sorry for everything he's done! I think I'll stop here, cuz I'm about to blow up :) But ya, my opinion on Firefart or whatever his name is! (Btw, he sucks!)

Read past the total sins and character rating for a surprise!

Total Sins: Either 19 or 20, idk
Character Rating (something new): 0/10

Now, introducing, Firestar Bieber!

Sorry by Firestar Bieber (A JB Cover)

You gotta go and get angry at my personality.
Get mad at the Hunters cuz they r the ones who created me.
By the way Misty's story it should have WAY more reads! (XD)
Cuz I just need everyone to love me.

Ya I know that I made some mistake maybe once or twice.
And by once or twice I mean in each chapter at least 100 times.
So let me talk to the Erin's did I mention Vicky's a mime?
But I just need one more shot at second chances.

Ay, is it to late now to say sorry?
Cuz I'm, missing more then you reading about me, oooooh!
Is it to late now to say sorry?
Ya, I kno-o-ow that I made you mad but I think that the Erin's are glad!

I'm sorry! Ay!
I'm sorry, ohhhh!
I'm sorry, ya I kno-o-ow that I made you mad but I think that the Erin's are glad!

I know that my clan has problems with cats who like to swim in the blue.
That's right I'm taking about Graystripe and Silverwho?
Maybe I made a decision bring a SC cat into clan.
But at least my nephew was accepted.

Ay, is it to late now to say sorry?
Cuz I'm, missing more then you reading about me, oooooh!
Is it to late now to say sorry?
Ya, I kno-o-ow that I made you mad but I think that the Erin's are glad!

I'm sorry! Ay!
I'm sorry, ohhhh!
I'm sorry, ya I kno-o-ow that I made you mad but I think that the Erin's are glad!

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