9 | Sol

157 9 19

I'm too lazy for a picture lol

Poor Sol, I ALMOST feel bad for him. Ok, so first of all. The SkyClan thing. Like you want to get revenge on all the clans becuz of that? But at the same time, I don't blame him, I blame Firestar. So I'll let the SkyClan thing pass. But the ShadowClan thing... LIKE REALLY?! You couldn't just forget the clans? And then just HIS ATTITUDE! Why he gotta be so friggin ominous? And the thing with the Three and shit just freaking idek! MY POINT IS... SOL YOU REALLY HAD NO REASON TO DESTROY ALL THE CLANS, you only had reason to destroy Firestar! So... Overall, the message from this is... Firestar is the reason for everything bad. Okay BYE!

Character Rating: 3/10

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