10 | Millie

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I HATE HER! I'm currently reading Sign of the Moon, and just got to the part where Millie gets mad at Blossomfall for getting "lost" and talking about how Briarlight would have done anything to do what she was. BRIARLIGHT BRIARLIGHT BRIARLIGHT! YADA YADA BRIGHTLIGHT YADA YADA BRIARLIGHT! SHE HAS THREE KITS IF SHE DIDNT NOTICE! Briarlight is actually doing okay! And she has two cats, Leafpool and Brightheart, to help her! I don't like how Blossomfall is training in the Dark Forest, but I understand why! And if I were her, I most likely would have done it too! But GOD Millie! If I was Firestar, I would've kicked her out of the clan! I bet you Mille would say, "Briarlight we're leaving the clan!" And then Firestar's like "HELL NAW! You don't deserve her you mange-pelt!" I FREAKING HATE HER IDFEHSXYABXSKSVSOSGEJSOYENEBSICHSNAIGENSUTAIEON!!!!!!!!!! Anyways, thanks for reading! :3

Character Rating: -94983927384629373038478393747493933747384838938237637299328377848339338748336255251431315373839/10
(If yo can't tell its negative)

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