Chapter 13

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"What I started to tell you out there at the table was true. When I paused I didn't want to tell you. But it's when I got my first bet slash, promise. But that promise was from Tyler. The same night we were at his house. But his dad came home drunk. He started to hit me, so Tyler jumped in and started to punch his dad. He told me to go grabbed a knife. He screamed it at me. In the moment I was to scared to not listen, so I did. I grad need a butcher knife, then gave it to Tyler. Tyler stabbed him right in the chest. Then the stomach. Then the left leg. The police came because the neighbors heard screaming. So the police founded the knife laying beside his dad. Then they found us upstairs in Tyler's bedroom closet. They took us in, and we had to go see a judge. Of course we were both found guilty because our fingerprints matched up on the knife. We both spend a total of seven months and 28 days in jail. Then had to be questioned again after. They let me go free, since I told them what happen. I guess Tyler tried to lie and say his dad brought the knife on him then the took it, and accidentally stabbed him in the process. So Tyler and to prison for a year and a half. But during that year and a half, that's when we moved down here. So when he gets out, he won't come after me. Cause when we went to jail he promised me once he gets out, we will have some things to deal with. And his things to deal with is that he will kill me. He told me that. But when he went back to prison, I went to visit him, to tell him bye, before I left. He said, and I quote, "When I get out of prison, I will find you. I will take you back with me, so we can finish our unfinished business. You will regret the day you ever met me." So I asked him why and he proceeded to say, "You got me in this mess, so I'm going to do to you what I did to my father. But I will make sure no one will ever know." I took that as a big warning. I told my mom after she picked me up, and she agreed that we need to move farther away than just a few hours. So we moved a few states away. I also remember Tyler said he will be getting out of prison November 2nd."

Ryder just started at me. Like he had no words. I would be the same too. If I got told that the person I was in a relationship with, went to jail for partial killing someone, then getting promised that they will die. I agree, I wouldn't have anything to say.

"Casey," was all he said.


He pulled me straight into a hug. I heard him sniffle. Is he about to cry? Okay I didn't intend for this.

The bathroom door opened, and a woman walked in.

"What the crap is this!" She yelled.

We pulled away.

"I'm sorry. My girlfriend came in here crying. I wanted to make sure she was okay." Ryder told the lady. "I'll leave now."

At that, Ryder walked out the bathroom, leaving me in here with the woman. I can't believe I told him.

"Is that what really happened?" Asked the woman.

"Yes ma'am." I walked passed her, and back to the table. Mason was sitting there rubbing his hand on Ryder's shoulder. Ryder sat in my seat, with his hands on his head. Every couple second I heard him sniffle. I went and sat beside him, wrapping my arms around him, holding him. I feel really bad for telling him now.

"What did you do to him? He went in there to see if your okay, and came out as a nervous wreck." Mason looked at me. I don't know if I can tell him or not. I want to, since Ryder knows, and Mason is Ryder's best friend. But a part of me just wants to wait.

"I told him the rest of the story." Is all I could say.

"Oh." See, Mason knew exactly what I was talking about.

"Can we just leave?" Ryder removed his hands looking up at all of us.

"Yeah, let's go." I said standing up, letting Ryder get up.


After I got home, I just laid in bed, thinking. This day started off with those two boys putting egg in my hair, to us hanging out having a great time, to going to chilies to eat, to me telling Ryder what happened, to us three going our separate ways, to me laying here on my bed. I picked up my phone to see the time, which its only 9:15. Great. I thought. I want to text Ryder to see if he's okay. But with my luck, he probably won't even talk to me.

Ryder POV

I just stared at her after she told me. I honestly don't know what to do. Or how I can help. I don't want this Tyler person coming after her, but I also don't want to get in the mix up between this. Why did she even hang out with a guy like him in the first place? I mean now, she's a cool girl. She gives off the vibe that she actually cares what she does in the world. She gets good grades, have great friends, and she isn't anything like she explained herself to be. How did she change herself so easily? When I had to change myself, it was so difficult and hard. I wanted to go back to my past and continue what I did. But I couldn't. I knew I had to change. If I didn't change, then I would have broken the promise to my mother.

"Casey," I said.


I didn't let her finish her sentence. I pulled her into a hug. I had to sniffle to keep from crying. I don't want to show her any emotion, especially sadness. Wait why should I be sad? Oh yeah that's right, she's my girl, and I want to keep her safe. I don't want anything bad to happen to her.

The bathroom door opened and in walked a lady who looked like her mid thirties.

"What we crap is this!" She yelled.

We pulled away from each other.

"I'm sorry. My girlfriend came in here crying. I wanted to make sure she was okay." I told the lady. "I'll leave now."

I walked passed her and back out to our table, leaving Casey in there with the woman.

I sat down where Casey was sitting, and just placed my hands on both sides of my head, looking down. I can't do this.

"Hey man, what's wrong?" I heard Mason ask me. But I ignored him.

"Ryder? Tell me what's wrong."

Still nothing. I ignored him. I heard him stand up, then to feel a hand rubbing my shoulder. Not long after, I felt the seat dip beside me, then a small pair of arms warp around me.

"What did you do to him? He went in there to see if you were okay, and came out as a nervous wreck." I think Mason is talking to Casey.

"I told him the rest of the story." I heard her say.

"Oh." Is all Mason said.

I removed my hands from my head and looked at the two of them. "Can we just leave?" I asked. I honestly don't want to be here right now. At least not where everyone is looking at us, which is happening. I hate getting stared at by strangers. Yeah it happens at school, but I feel more powerful there. But here with adults, no so much.

"Yeah, let's go." Casey stood up, so I could get out of the booth we were sitting in.

We walked out the door after I paid for the food, then drove everyone home. It turned out to be a silent ride. I turned the radio on low, just so there was a little sound playing throughout the car.

Here is the new beginning of a lifetime.

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