Chapter 19

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"Wake up." I felt myself being lightly shaken. I groaned and mumbled a no before turning over the opposite direction.

"Casey wake up." I turned over to see Mason there.

"What do you want? It's to early." I groaned.

"It's actually 12:06 in the morning, so it's not that late, or early. But I'm here because Ryder told me what happened. And he is worried about you, but he thinks your going to blow his head off."

"Why?" I sat up in my bed, go in room for Mason to sit down at the end.

"Because he knows that you know about what happened with him and Jayden. Also he feels like you don't want him anymore, or him involved anymore, so he feels if he comes around, that your going to hurt him."

"Well I am pretty upset about the Jayden thing. I mean he can't blame me for being upset. But he should know that he is involved. I don't want him to be because that means his life is in danger now, but he already knows, he's involved with this thing with Tyler now, and I can't change it. If I could, I would."

"Oh. Well I don't know. I'm trying not to get involved, but if I have to be here to help protect you then I will."

"Thanks Mason. But this is all my fault."

"How so?"

"Because I was the one who handed Tyler that weapon!"

"For what?" Mason looked scared and confused.

"He killed his dad Mason. I was the one who handed him that stupid knife. The only reason I'm out a little early is because I told the truth about both of us, and I wasn't the one who actually stabbed that man. Tyler's mad at me know for telling on him. He told me when he gets back we are going to finish some unfinished business. And that means either he kills me, or kills my loved ones for putting him through prison for a year and a half more than me."

At this point I was crying. I couldn't help it. I did so many wrong things back then, and now they are finally catching up to me in the present. If I never got my life involved with him, if I never partied, if I just stayed at home that day besides going out with him, if I never handed him the knife, if I never told the truth to the cops, if I never hated myself so much back then, if I helped my mom out more, if I kept good grades, if I was a better daughter and respected my mom, none of this crap would have been happened. I wouldn't be sitting here right now with a boyfriend who is in a life or death situation, I wouldn't be sitting here on my bed in front of Mason crying my eyes out, and I certainly wouldn't be terrified to live.

I felt arms go around me, and under my legs. Mason sat me on his lap, so it looked like he was cradling me. I say in his lap, with my right side of my body leaning against his chest, and my legs over the side of his legs. He held one arm around my back and the other over my legs.

"It's going to be okay Casey." He whispered into my ear. For once in what seemed like forever, I felt like that's that truth. That it's going to be okay. That nothing is going to actually happen. Tyler won't come for me, Ryder and Mason will be safe, along with my mom and I.

I slowly stopped crying. Just I just stayed there in Mason's lap, really enjoying his company. Even though we aren't talking, the quietness is still speaking a thousand words between us.

I felt him stand up, with me still in his hold, and laid me back down on my bed. He covered me up, and whispered good night in my ear. George he stood back up, I grabbed ahold of his arm and looked at him.

"Please stay with me tonight." I whispered.

He gave me a soft smile before moving the blanket and laying down beside me. I felt his arm go around my waist, and he smuggled closer to me. I felt the warmth coming off of him, which I really loved.

But what I loved more was I had him beside me to protect me.


"What the crap!" I heard someone scream, causing me to jump up, but I got held down by something around me. I looked down to see a arm, then realization hit me. Mason is next to me.

I looked to the person who screamed. It was Ryder. My heart dropped.

"What?" Mason groaned finally taking his arm off of me.

"Well it looks like my girlfriend, and my best friend are laying there in the same bed together!" I sat up and looked at Ryder.

"It's not what you think Ryder! He came into my room a little after midnight last night wanting to talk about what you said! About how your sorry, and you want to be involved and all. I started crying because the realization that Tyler is going to hurt us. He was the only one here who told me everything will be alright. I didn't want him to leave last night Judy in case Ryder! If you were here I wouldn't have wanted you to leave either! So don't get on his case or my case about this." I rubbed my head at the end, already feeling the headache that is starting the form from all this yelling.

How do I know your not trying to get revenge on me from Jayden?" Ryder questioned, pacing around my room for the millionth time. Why does he like to pace so much.

"Because I'm not a person that's like that anymore." I said almost to quiet, but I know he heard me. He sighed. Mason just sat there looking between the two of us.

"That's true Ryder. I was only here to help her. I promise nothing happened." Mason finally spoke.

"Fine. Whatever. Ryder's wrong again." He sat down on my floor, putting his head in his hands, on his knees.

Okay something had to be bothering him. And I'm really curious on what it is.

"Mason can you please leave so I can talk to him? I feel like something is wrong with him." I whispered in Mason's ear. He nodded, stood up, and left my room.

I waited a few more minutes before walking over to Ryder. I sat down in front of him, and lifted his head up, to hedge he would look at me. When he did, I removed my hands.

"Talk to me. I feel like I'm missing something. Like something is wrong with you." But I knew that was obvious because his eyes were red and puffy just a little bit.

"I feel horrible. I feel like I'm nothing but a bad boyfriend. I can't be be here for you, without saying the wrong thing or messing up. I kissed Jayden, and I know that was wrong at the time I did it. You and Mason were here together last night, when that could have been me. I'm not here for you like I should be. I let you go through things that you shouldn't have to go through. I feel like you hate me now just because I'm that horrible." Now it was his turn to cry.

I scooted closer to him, and wrapped my arms around him. I let him cry on my shoulder.

"Your not a bad boyfriend at all Ryder. I'm sorry for the things I've done to you. I could have just asked you about Jayden. I could have texted you that Mason was go into stay over. If you want to help me, you can. But I'll also learn to be a better girlfriend from now on."

We pulled away form each other, and I wiped the falling tears from his eyes, and smiled at him. He gave me a smile back.

This is the fresh start between us, I can feel it.

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