Chapter 43

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I made my way back up to my room with Brianna. We both got a bowl of chips, and a water. Yes water is boring, but it still taste good. And it's also good for you.

But anyways, I have an hour before Ryder comes and picks me up, so we said that about fifteen minutes before, I'll get my dress on.

"So what's your favorite color?" I asked her.

"That's so random. And like the most used question." She laughed.

"Fine. I'll ask another question. What's your life story?" I asked busting out laughing.

"I'll stick with the first question. And to answer that, it's purple." She smiled. "How about you?"

"Green duh." I said flipping my wrist and making a 'duh' face expression.

"You know, your not as bad as I thought you were going to be."

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Mason use to say a lot of crap about you about a year ago. I don't think you and him were friends at the time though."

"What was he saying?" If he was sitting here saying stuff about me, I want to know. Especially now since we are friends. Wait why is he my friend then if he use to not like me?

"He said how the first day you came to this school some girl ran into him, causing him to drop is friends phone and it shattered. He had to save up for six months to pay his friend back for his broken phone. He then said how you and him had a class together too. He found you attractive, and sweet in class. But once Beth got you into her grasp, he didn't want anything to do with you. He tried to avoid you as much as he can. Well besides when y'all had a class together, because he couldn't skip class. He use to talk to Ryder about you too. I remember Ryder coming over one day, and this was the day he left this town too. But mason said how there's this new girl here, and that Ryder might be interested in you. I remember standing outside Mason's door hearing that conversation. Ryder ended up saying something like show you to him so when he ones back he can get you."

"Your serious? So basically Ryder never truly liked me. He just played with me?" My eyes about started to water, but I held it back because I don't want to ruin the makeup Brianna took so long to do.

"No, no, no, I'm not saying that." She waved her hands in a 'no' form. "What I'm saying is if Mason never told Ryder about you, you wouldn't have Ryder right now."

"But that still means that he wouldn't have liked me though. He only liked me because what mason said."

"I guess so. I mean after that day, a week or two later Mason always talked about you. And how he likes you and all."

"I remember him telling me he liked me way back then." I mumbled. So all of this was because of Mason? Mason liked me. Ryder only knows me because of Mason. Ryder found me when he came back, just to keep me from Mason.

Everything is sinking in my head. Ryder never liked me being around Mason, cause the fact he liked me. He also hated when we kissed, and he got mad at me about it. Maybe Ryder really does like me.

But there's also one other thing that's still makes me confused. Why? Is there something going on between Mason and Ryder that I never knew about?

Just when I thought I knew everything about them, there's another secret that needs to be revealed.


The doorbell rung, making me jump off my bed.

"Hello Mr. King." I heard my mom say downstairs. I walks down he stairs, then hid behind the wall peeking around. I saw my mom but not Ryder.

"Hello Mrs. Winston. Is Casey ready?"

I appeared out from behind the wall before my mom said anything.

Ryder looked at me, and his face fell in awe. I smiled back at him before walking over to them.

"You look beautiful." Ryder commented.

"You don't look too bad yourself." I smiled.

"Pictures!" My mom gushed. Okay she's scaring me. She's not herself lately.

After what seemed like a hour of photos we were finally able to leave.

"I want you to have fun, be safe, and don't do anything bad." My mom glared at Ryder about that last part. He stuck his hands up in surrender.

"We won't. I promise." He rushed.

Brianna walked up behind me, placing a hand on my shoulder.

"Mason's here to get me. Hope you two have fun."

"Thanks. And thank you for doing this." I gestured to my hair and makeup.

"No problem. It was fun doing it."

She opened the door then left.

"You ready Ms. Winston?" Ryder asked holding out an arm.

"Yes. Yes I am Mr. King." I grabbed his arm, and with his free hand he opened the door.

He led me out to his truck. I looked at Mason's car, and waved to him and Brianna. Brianna waved back, but Mason just looked away and ignored me. That kinda hurt.

Mason pulled the car out of my driveway and drove off. Ryder came to my side and opened the door, letting me in, then shut the door. He ran over to his side, got in, and started his truck up.

Honestly I'm pretty excited for this night. I'm with Ryder, and I'm away. I won't have to deal with Marshal, and hopefully anyone else who wants to ruin my life.

He turned on the radio, and we both started singing to the song that came on.

"You know, I've been thinking Casey." Ryder said once the song went off. He turned the radio down so we were able to hear each other.

"What is it?" I asked curious.

"I really like you Casey. You know that right?"

"Yeah I know." I tried to urge him to continue. Many things ran through my mind.

"And well I would never do anything to hurt you on purpose. You know that right?"

"Yes Ryder. Now tell me please."

"Well.." Loud honking came from the left side of me. I jerked my head over, just as I saw the car coming. Ryder tried to sped up but it was too late. The car crashed into us.

I screamed as I felt the truck tip over, my head banging against the window, then rolling upside down. Then back to the side again.

"Ryder.." I said as I tired to keep my eyes open. But they slowly shut, and darkness surrounded me. I heard the giant sounds of sirens before I could no longer hear anything.

Don't hate me !! And sorry it's been forever since I've updated, but here ya go.. Just don't hate me please lol.

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