Eagle bounded toward me with a kunai in her hand, while I got in a fighting stance as my talons grew longer. She attacked first, feigning a blow to my left temple and instead tried to put a gash on my leg. I acted out of pure instinct, dodging the kunai, I slashed my talons in a motion towards her blind spot, forcing her to jump back. 'Too late.' I thought as I saw the shalow cut. I was behind her in seconds, slashing down at her back but she blocked with two kunai putting a long cut down my arm in the process. I hissed at her. My leg went up to kick her shin as I glared up at her. She tried to step back but I hooked my foot around her leg, knocking her to the ground. My right index finger's talon grew untill it was just a milimeter away from her neck. "POOF!" "Damn it!" I spun around and blocked just in time. "RING!" The bell went off.
I grinned at Eagle, "Nice work Eagle-sensi! I thought you had me for sure when you were chasing me in the air!"
"Heh, didn't want to burn your wings," she lied.
Kakashi walked up to the five of us, "Wow.... I bet you guys are hungry. Well atleast there is no need for you guys to go back to the academy. You three should give up on being ninjas."
"What?!" they yelled at once.
"You didn't get the real reason of this test, well all of you except Aniko." Kakashi apparently pissed off Sasuke seeing as he ran recklessly towards him. Kakashi simply sat on his back and stepped on his head, not portraying any emotion in the process.
"And that's why you didn't pass."
"No! Don't step on Sasuke!" yelled Sakura.
Kakashi ignored Sakura, "Why do you think we put you in squads?" They looked at him confused.
I couldn't take it anymore. "It's teamwork you idiots! If you had agreed to partner up with me 'Mr.Ego', or 'Miss fangirl', we probably would have had a chance! I didn't even ask Naruto, I saw he needed help so I helped him! Unlike some people!" I ranted "And if one of you had been there to help Naruto and I then maybe I wouldn't have this gash along my arm, which by the way, HURTS LIKE HELL!!!"
My team stepped away from me and Eagle burst out laughing, pushing me over the edge. My vison blurred and then became sharp as a hawk's eye. I felt my wings grow through the holes that they had made last time, my nails hardening and growing longer, and my tail lashing behind me. Eagle stopped laughing and I looked at Kakashi, asking for permisson to go calm down. As soon as he nodded I took flight and flew around untill I was calm.
I went back and looked at Sasuke to tell me what I missed, considering Naruto was tied to a post and Sakura was feeding him. He told me about the second chance and not feeding Naruto. Then he wrapped my arm for me. I felt Kakashi's chakra, so I wasn't surprized to see him in a huge cloud of smoke trying to scare us, Eagle was hiding in a tree next to us.
"You! You broke the rules!"
"We don't care we are a team! If one is suffering we all are suffering!" cried Sakura. The rest of us quickly agreed.
"You....pass!"Kakashi smiled.
"WHAT!?" the others yelled.
Eagle jumped down, "Congrats! You're scum if you break the rules, but those who leave their teammates to die, or in this case starve, are worse then scum."
I walked away, mumbling, "I'm going to the hospital to get this healed, see ya later....alligators."
Sasuke's eye twitched. Eagle grinned, "Hang on a sec and you won't have to go! I can heal you now.
I watched her warily as she healed my arm. When she was done I flexed my arm, pleased that it worked just as well if not better than before. "Thanks, now if you guys will excuse me, I have to go talk to the Hokage about my living arrangments."
"WHAT DO YOU MEAN 'NO'!?! You can't make me live with him!" I growled at the Hokage.
"I can and will. Calm down and go home. You are dismissed."
I let out a frustrated hiss and stormed out of the room. I was in the middle of mumbling every curse word I know when someone put a hand on my shoulder. I grabed the hand and flipped the person over my shoulder without even trying. "Ow! Sorry Aniko! Apparently this is a bad time!"
I was shocked. "Sorry Kiba! I was thinking and you just put your hand on my shoulder and it was a knee-jerk reaction! I didn't hurt Akumaru, did I?"
"No, and thanks so much for your concern about me, the one you acctually flipped!"
"No problem!"
He sweat dropped, "So I'm guessing this is a bad time?"
"Uhhh, yeah, sorry. I really got to get home now. See ya 'round like a doughnut!" I waved and jogged to my home.
I opened the door to a surprised Uchiha. "Hn, back already?"
"Shut. Up. I've had a long day and just want some sleep, we can talk tomorrow." I grumbled as I shuffled towards my room. I walked in, took my shoes off, and fell on the bed asleep.
Sorry!!! I know it is a short chapter but I just wanted to get something out there for you guys to read!!!! I'll make it up to you!!!!

FanfictionAniko is an orphan who has lost everything. Now the orphanage she was in is transfering her, hoping that she will have better luck getting adopted somewhere else. But when her "cab driver" drags her into the Naruto Universe, what will she do?