This Chapter is dedicated to loveing_dork for making my day and giving me the insenitive to start writing again! Thank you all for reading!
Hey guys! So, everything is FINALLY slowing down. And that means... I'm gonna start writing again! Yaaayyyyy! BUT! This chappy might be a filler. Not too sure yet. Ah well! I guess I'll just start writing and see how it comes out! Onto the story!
I sighed, walking to the bridge. Fighting Eagle takes a lot out of me. I looked around, depressed at the sight of so little food and the scrawny children. Determination suddenly flared within me. We have to protect Tazuna.He has to finish that bridge. To these people, it's hope.
I hefted the last beam of the day over my shoulder, in thefading light,over to the workers, who then put it in place. I dusted my hands and dragged my feet over to Sakura, "Come on Sakura, it's getting dark. Let's get Tazuna home," I yawned.
She nodded and we grabbed the client. "Come on Tazuna, your daughter has dinner for us at home." He nodded tiredly.
I smiled tiredlyat Tsunami, accepting the bowl of stew, and eating as quick as I could while still being polite. I didn't want to be sitting next to Narutowhen he barfed. I soon finished and thanked Tsunami for the delicious dinner, excusing myself from the table. I had another reason for retiring early. I didn't want to see Naruto and Inari yell at each other. I hate that part.
I walked into my room and changed before getting in my bed. I fell asleep quickly.
Okay, so i can't really remember what happened after that, well at least not in the right order, so don't get mad at me but I'm going to skip to the fight on the bridge!
"You know, Kakashi-sensei, it probably wasn't that wise to leave Naruto with Tsunami, he's gonna be pissed!" I yawned, as we walked towords the bridge.
"Yeah, I know," he sighed, "but he needs to rest."
"Eh, Naruto'll get over it," Eagle shrugged.
I snorted, "Yeah right! Maybe in-" I froze, seeing the workers on the ground, then proceeded to run to the nearest one and check for a pulse, "They're alive, just unconcious," I proceeded to drag the worker off the bridge, and repeated this process till I had everyone safe, ignoring the mist surrounding me in a cold blanket, knowing Zabuza was already here.
I watched calmly as Sasuke destroyed the water clones.
"Heh, so the brat was able to defeat my clones, looks like you have an opponent Haku," Zabuza smirked under his bandages.
I glared at Zabuza, and he noticed, "Don't worry, I haven't forgotten about you," he grinned with malice and made six clones for me to face off against.
"Shit!" I growled. I turned towords Sakura, handing her my ipod, "Loose it, and I kill you, got it?" She nodded. "Good, Eagle-sensei, if I die, the ipod is yours."
"Thanks, Ginger, I really appreciate that," she growled sarcasticly, sliding into her fighting stance.
I grinned, allowing my nails to extend into deadly claws, my skin itching as my wings and tail grew. I chuckled, allowing the bloodlust to seep into my voice, "Lets do this."
I was going to stop there but I won't cuz I owe you guys a long chapter!
As the first clone came toward me I let a ferral snarl rip itself free of my throat. I lunged forward, slashing with my claws, expecting his counter, and deflected his blade with a kunai, having to use both hands. The clone smirked, thinking he was leaving me vulnerable. I hissed, "Bad mistake," as my tail wrapped around his leg, jerking it forward just enough that I was able to slice him with the tip of my kunai. I dodged to the left as the sword of another clone came at me, But I forgot about my wings, and my peircing scream rang out through the mist as the clone cut a deep gash in it. I knew I couldn't fight with the pain so I quickly retracted my wings, while avoiding another attack.
Without the advantage of flight, I panicked quickly, realizing the five remaining clones were pushing me towards the end of the unfinished bridge. I was a blur, dodging and slashing, using my tail for balance, I had taken four down, but now I was precariously(sp?) balancing on the edge of the bridge, trying to slash my opponent. It swung it's sword at my legs, forcing me to jump, the shoved meoff the bridge.
I yowled in rage, throwing my shuriken at the clone, who dodged easily. I glared my hands a blurr as I made hand signs, and shouted, "Wind style, slicing winds!" I childishly screamed, "Take that, shit-face!"
I slammed into the water, "FUCK!" I landed on a rather sharp rock, hitting me right between two ribs. I pulled myself out, trying to desperately swim to shore. I pulled myself onto the sand, tears welling in my eyes, from the saltwater or pain I wasn't sure.
I pulled some bandages and disinfecting ointment out of my pouch and proceeded to tend to my more important wounds, which included the one from the rock, a few gashes from the clones swords, and the two cracked ribs from my fall. After tying off the last bandage, I grabbed a stick of driftwood and used it as a make-shift walking stick. Of course I could fly, if the stupid clone hadn't slashed my left wing so deep.
I slowly hobbled up the sand and back onto the bridge, to find a bunch of thugs standing with their backs to me, and Gato lying dead on the ground. I had abandonded my walking stick a long time ago, and now stood, bringing my claws out and standing with the villagers Inari had gathered up to fight. "I"m baaaack!" grinned at the startled looks on my teammates and the thugs faces.
Well to sum it up, the thugs turned tail and ran, while Eagle and Kakashi ran forward to help me over to my other teammates. I smirked at Sakura, who was bawling hystericaly over Sasuke. "Move aside pinky, he's not dead!" I laughed at her startled face, and bent down next to the raven-haired boy, gently pulling out the needle in his neck. I proceeded to pull more senbon out of his person, and a few minutes later he woke up.
I rolled my eyes at Sakura when she threw herself onto him. I turned around, smiling at Naruto, "Hey, Naruto-chan, can you help me up?"
He grinned at me, pulling me up to my feet and wrapping my good arm around his shoulders, his other hand going to my waist, supporting my weight. Sakura helped Sasuke up and we headed back to Tazuna's place.
I know! Sukish ending, but I stayed up to write this and am dead tired! Tell me what you think!

FanfictionAniko is an orphan who has lost everything. Now the orphanage she was in is transfering her, hoping that she will have better luck getting adopted somewhere else. But when her "cab driver" drags her into the Naruto Universe, what will she do?