Ups and Downs

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I wake up to the sound of screaming. I'm confused until I look over and see Peeta is the one screaming. I try to wake up but it's no use. I resort to the only thing I can think of. I grab his face and kiss him, he stops thrashing and cups my face while kissing back. "Peeta, what happened?" I question. "I had a nightmare." He whispers quietly. "What was it about?" Peeta hasn't had a nightmare this mad in a long time I am usually the one with bad dreams. "Well you had the baby already. You handed her off to me. I looked down at her and admired her" He starts to smile remembering the dream, "She had your brown hair and my blue eyes. Just by looking at her I knew she would grow up and be my little helper at the bakery. Yet that never happened. We went home with the baby and something was off. Why was Katniss Everdeen in my house with a baby? And you asked me to put the baby to bed, I looked into the crib and saw her little face and something snapped. I started yelling saying she was a mutt I grabbed a knife out of the kitchen and that's not the worse part Katniss!! Before you could even do anything I jammed the knife into our little daughters ran into the room crying and sobbing you knew this could happen but you still let me near her! Then I reached into the crib and picked her up while shaking tears falling uncontrollably, and I just sat there holding her for the rest of the night rocking her even though she was gone. And just before I woke up I whispered, still crying "I remember now..."

By this point Peeta is sobbing into my shoulder. "Peeta you are not a mutt. It was just a dream you would never do that! I love you Peeta and I know with all my heart you would never hurt our children." He has calmed down by now and I tel lim to lay back down and get some sleep. I look at the clock and it reads 1:50 a.m.

~~~~Time lapse~~~~

I wake up and take a shower letting the warm water hit my body. Today I'm going to go hunting. I'll ask Peeta and see if he warms to tag along. I still remember in the games when I was hunting with Peeta and he somehow managed to scare all the game away. He doesn't have the quietness that my father had. When I was young I was just like Peeta when I would go with my dad. I would get so mad when I scared game away. My father always said practice makes perfect.
I get out of the shower and head downstairs to see Peeta cooking pancakes. We sit down and I stare at Peeta for a while. "Peeta can I ask you something?" I say. "Sure," He tells me. "When did you realize you loved me?" He stops eating and just stares at his plate for a while.

"We were five. You had on a red plaid dress and your was in two braids instead of one. My father pointed you out when we were waiting to line up. He said 'See that little girl? I wanted to marry her mother, but she ran off with a coal miner. And I said 'Why did she want a coal miner when she could've had you?' And he said 'Because when he sings...even the birds stop to listen. So that day, in the music assembly, when the teacher asked who knew the valley song. Your hand shot right up in the air. She stood you up on a stool and had you sing it for us. And I swear, every bird outside the windows fell silent. And right when your song ended I knew -just like your mother- I was a goner." After he told me that I was speechless. He really does love me.
We go to the meadow and after I hunt we just sit and enjoy the view. "Let's think of baby names." Peeta says. I laugh and agree. For a good hour we go back and fourth trying to decide on a good baby name. After we think we've found the perfect one we decide to go baby shopping. Since we still don't know the gender get the basic necessities. Changing table, crib, stroller, blankets, playpen, swing,bibs, and some maternity clothes. We get home and decide which room would be good for the baby. We pick the room closest to ours. Peeta doesn't have to work tomorrow so he decides to put all the baby things together tomorrow. He goes to the kitchen to make some cheese buns, my all time favorite food, while I call Annie sense we haven't talked in a while also so I can tell her the news. She says her son is doing great which is good. It hasn't even been a year since Finnick has died. We miss him so much. What would it be like if he was still here? His son would have a dad and Annie wouldn't be so lonely. I'll have to visit her soon....

Hi guys!! Longggg time since I've written anything!! Soooo sorry I've just completely forgotten about my stories :( a lot has been going on good and bad but it's summer! I'm going to try and add more to my stories but it will take time. If you guys would help me and remind me every now and then when u want another chapter that would REALLY help. I can't always remember if I've published the draft or not! I still love you guys and hope you still read my stories. Love you keep reading!! SPOILER NEXT CHAPTER::: FOR SURE FINNICK!!!

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