How You Meet Him: Grayson

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You are walking home from school with your ear buds in listening to your favorite song. Long Valley, NJ is beautiful in the spring so walking home is peaceful. When you get home, you set your bag down and go upstairs to your room. You put on comfortable clothes and lay in bed on your phone.
A couple minutes later, your stomach growls. Remembering you're home alone because your parents are at work, you go downstairs to get something to eat. You look in the fridge and stand there for a minute before deciding to have a slice of leftover pizza from last night.
You were never a fan of cold pizza so you put it on a plate and tossed it in the microwave.
*Ding Dong* you heard. Jogging to the front door, you look out the peep hole and see an attractive boy holding a box. You open the door and smile.
"Can I help you?" You say politely. The boy is so hot. He has brown hair with a blonde strip in the front and a dangly earring.
"Yeah, I'm Grayson, uh, we just rented next door and my parents wanted me to give your parents this gift."
He said and brushed his hand through his hair. His voice was so attractive. Your parents friends were looking for a new house closer to town and your dad just so happened to be putting the house next to yours for rent.
"They aren't home right now but I can give it to them." You smile holding your hands out.
He handed you the box.
"Would you like to come in?" You asked.
"When your parents aren't home?" He asked with doubt.
"They won't care." You say opening the door more so Grayson can come in. You close it behind him and walk to the kitchen as he follows.
"I'm___________." You say introducing yourself.
"Nice to meet you,__________." he said holding his hand out. You shake it as you walk to the microwave.
"Do you want some pizza? I was just heating up a slice." You say.
"No thank you, I ate before I came. Thanks though."
After eating your pizza, you and Grayson go up to your room and hangout and get to know each other.

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