Thursday, 1:25 pm, 3 hours before the sleepover

-Back to Kayden-

I opened my eyes in a dim-lighted room. The only sounds I can hear were the whirring of the aircon, and the scream and shouts of the children outside.

"Is it... the end of the world?" I mutter,

I then realized I was in the clinic, due to the fact that I was on a small but soft silk bed, which I know for a fact that my school's clinic is the only place I know with such. If I was in the clinic, that would mean I was still in school.

Great... wait, is the end of the world happening while I'm in here?

I got off the bed and looked out the window to see if there were any explosions and panicking, but to my surprise, there wasn't. Instead, there were petty little children running and playing about.

Awww... and I was really hoping for the end of the world...

But then another question came into my mind, wasn't it still 2nd or 3rd period? I checked my watch to see the time, and oddly it was 1 pm.

Wait... 1 pm? That would mean...

"IT'S RECESS!?" I exclaim in a voice that could only be heard by me,

Great, so the shock put me in a 5 hour coma. I tried to remember what happened before I it, but then almost fainted when the image of Asami's scary face appeared in my head.

Actually, to be more specific, I felt nauseous. I rushed to the bathroom and-



I puked for 10 minutes straight. That's how much I hated that face. In hopes I would never see it again, I'll try to stop messing with people who have some kind of connection with Asami.

Or even Asami herself...

I looked outside to see if the children were still there, and yes they were. Since I didn't want to attract more attention to myself again, I decided to keep sleeping. I crawled back onto the bed and put the rest of my body under the covers, but I was soon startled by a sound...

Of snoring

I then noticed there was a chair shrouded by the darkness of the room, and I noticed there was something a shape of a human on it.

I thought it was the nurse at first, but then I also noticed that it was a school uniform instead of the nurse's. Specifically, the uniform looked like it belonged to a female.

I took a closer look and she was the source of the snoring, but I couldn't tell who she was because the room wasn't well lit.

But then I got an idea!

I took my new phone from my pocket, opened the flashlight, and pointed it at the female. Who I saw shouldn't really be much of a surprise...


She then slightly opened her eyes, lifted her head from the edge of the bed, and rubbed her eyes.

"Hm...? Oh... konnichiwa, Kayden-kun..." she mutters before yawning,

"What the hell are you doing in the clinic!?" I say while bringing the flashlight closer,

"I came to see how you were doing... but I guess just seeing you made me sleepy..." she says rubbing her eyes, "Kayden-kun... can you please turn that off? I might go blind"

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