My name is Emily Ketchum. Yes, the sister of Ash Ketchum, the one who wishes to be a Pokemon Master. Turns out, that's also my main goal as well. As I run to Professor Oak's lab, I was wondering what my brother looks like. Mom always describes him as the hard-working trainer and very supportive of his friends. I really want to meet him, so I decided to go on my own Pokemon Journey and hopefully that I will bump into him. I knocked into Professor's door. "Professor Oak! I'm here to start my Journey!" The Professor was surprised to see me already. "Wow, here already? I thought your mother didn't want you to go on your journey, Emily." I shrugged my head, "I kinda sneak out of the house and Mr. Mime knew I was leaving, so he packed me a couple of clothes and a new backpack." He said, "I see. Well, let's see what kind of Pokemon would you like as your partner?" I saw a Pikachu and I said, "I always wanted a Pikachu since I was little and I always wanted to have one until I was old enough as a trainer. So, that's that. I chose you, Pikachu." Pikachu looks at me and said, "Pika." "Excellent choice, Emily. I'm sure you and Pikachu would be the perfect duo, just like your brother." "You knew Ash too?" "Indeed I had, and I think you should go to Pewter City. There's a Gym leader and he's also a friend of your brother." "Wow, Pewter City Gym! What ya, say, buddy, ready to go on a new adventure with me?" Pikachu climbs into my shoulder and said, "Pika!" Professor Oak gave me something. "Here's your Pokedex and Pokeballs, but I want you to take Oshawatt with you. He's your brother's pokemon and I want you to keep him." Oshawatt came out and I smiled, "Well, Oshawatt, I seen you battle. Ready to go?" He nods and I started my journey to become a Pokemon Master.
Clement, Bonnie, Serena and I continue our way to Snowbelle Gym, and suddenly, I felt my stomach growling. "I think we should get a break here in the woods." Clement said. I said, "Good idea, I bet the Pokemon is also hungry as well. Come on out!" We ate and I thought about May, Max and Brock. I wonder what they are doing now. "Hey Ash? You all right?" Bonnie asks. "Oh, sorry. I was thinking about my friends I used to travel with on my Journeys." Clement said, "You never told us that before." Serena said, "You must tell us about them." I sighed, "Well, May is kinda like you, Serena. She was this awesome Pokemon Coordinator Performer, and Brock, he's a Gym leader in Pewter City and training to be a Pokemon Doctor and Breeder. Max, May's little brother, he's smart and he doesn't have a Pokemon yet." Serena said, "You must missed them a lot, huh Ash?" "I do, but I know I might see them again some day. How about we get to the next Pokemon Contest, Serena? I just know you'll be Kalos Queen!" She smiles, "You're right, Ash. Don't give up until the end!" Bonnie said, "Can't wait!" We ran off to the nearest Pokemon Center.
Author's note: What you guys think will happen? Will Emily defeat Brock in Pewter Gym? Find out soon! See ya, Dragonites!

Ash's Sister
FanfictionAsh didn't know it. He has a sister who started her own journey. As she travels she meets Brock, Max and May and went to search for him. Eventually they met again, but they also encounter an old enemy, Team Aqua. Can they defeat them and will Ash an...