Chapter 9: Unexpected Suprise

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Max had an Eevee, just like his sister, huh? I guess that Norman helped his son train it for this battle. Pikachu was ready for the battle. "Ready, buddy?" I asked the little mouse Pokemon. He was grinning and said, "Pika!" Max said, "Ash, you are willing to use Pikachu? I seen it battle bunch of times when we were traveling together in the Hoenn Region." I chuckled at the trainer. "Well, Pikachu and I had improved since we last saw each other. Pikachu, use Quick Attack!" I instructed the mouse Pokemon. Max said, "Quick, Eevee, dodge it!" The Pokemon dodge it and was panting with sweat. Max was grinning at Pikachu and me.


I was enjoying the battle against Ash. He shown me a lot in the Hoenn Region and I improve a lot since he left and I didn't tell him that I had eight badges to compete in the Kalos Region. "Eevee, use Dark Pulse!" She did and Ash was impressed and yelled, "Pikachu dodge it and use Electroball!" Pikachu uses the Attack and Emily said, "Wow. Ash is amazing trainer!" Serena said, laughing, "What you expect him to be? He's your brother, remember?" Emily seems to be blushing at the comment. "Right. Totally forgotten about that." I rolled my eyes then focus on the battle. "Eevee, use Dig, let's go!" The Pokemon was underground. I knew that Ash wouldn't pull this stunt off. That was when Clement said, "Oh, you shouldn't done that, Max." May and Brock looked at the young Gym Leader. "What you mean, Clement?" May asked. "Just watch." Bonnie grins.


I knew that Eevee would use Dig. It brought me back memories of when I first battled Clement in Kalos, and won the battle in the Lumiose City Gym. "Pikachu, jump up and use Iron Tail!" He jumps into the air and smacks the ground, just like in the Gym battle arena, making Eevee come out of the ground! Max, Brock, Emily and May were in utter shock when Eevee came out. "Incredible!" Brock said. Bonnie said, "You should've seen Ash and my brother first battle. It was incredible, yet Ash actually beaten Clement in the Lumiose City Gym!" Emily said, "Now, I think about it, Ash did beat Clement, I heard it from couple of trainers while I was in Kanto." I was rubbing my head, "Aw, thanks, Em." Max said, "Wow, how did you-" "Well, it had to do with timing. I had to do is wait for Eevee to use Dig and Pikachu can do the rest by using Iron Tail and smash it to the ground." I explained the strategy. "Clement didn't expected it either when I challenged him in Lumiose City." I added. Max said, "Impressive strategy, Ash. I have to admit, I'm surprised that Pikachu can use Iron Tail like that. Eevee, use Dark Pulse one more time!" Pikachu was defeated in one shot of the blast! "Pikachu!" I cried. "Pikachu is unable to battle. Eevee is the winner!" Clement declared. I picked up Pikachu. "Great job, buddy. Take a good rest." I put out my next Pokemon. "Goodra, I choose you!" The Pokemon came out and Emily said, "A new Pokemon! Is Goodra Ash's Pokemon too?" Serena replies, "Yeah. Wait you see it battle!" Max said, "All right, Goodra huh? Lucario, I choose you!" The Aura Pokemon came out. "This battle is starting to even up!" Serena exclaimed. "Yeah, It's amazing how well they knew one other since Ash left the Hoenn Region." Brock said, impressed of the battle. I have to finish this battle soon. Max is a tough trainer to beat.

Author's note: The third part of Ash Vs. Max is on! Will Ash be able to win the battle? Find out soon! 

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