I was thinking about all the Journeys I had and I couldn't be more excited to compete in the Kanto Region. As I was thinking, I wanted to walk in the woods with Greeninja. "Greeninja, com'on out!" I said, releasing him out of his Pokeball. "Greeninja." He said. "Greeninja how about we practice our battle style again before we compete in the Snowbelle Gym? We might be able to handle Synchro Evolution without me fainting again." I remembered the battle we had against Alain. I wasn't able to contain the evolution as much I can and I fainted after. As we walked we hear a sound. "All right, Lucario, Dark Pulse!" The Pokemon was amazing and hit it's target. The trainer looks familiar. "Greninja, let's take a closer look." The water pokemon agrees and we hid above the trees.
May, Emily, Brock looked at me and my Lucario. Emily said, as she was helping May set the table, "Wow, Max, I didn't know that you have raised a Lucario. That's amazing!" I blushed, "Gee, thanks for the support, Emily. I can sense his Aura through me and it is sometimes made me feel fainted." Brock said, "Maybe because you knew him so well, your Lucario trusts you even more than before." I said, "Aw, thanks. This is our first time in Kalos Region. Do you think you'll be able to compete in the Region, Emily?" She smiles, "Maybe, if I get eight badges, remember and I need six pokemon. Right now I have Snivy and Pikachu. That's two Pokemon down. I can't wait." Lucario sensed someone's aura. "Lucario? Who's watching us?" I asked. He uses a Dark Pulse and there was a Trainer and a new Pokemon I never see before! He got up and said, "Is that really necessary?" He got up and Brock recognized him on the spot. "Ash?"
I couldn't believe that Max's Lucario sense our presence and hit us from the tree! That really hurts. As I got up, I saw my old friends, May, Max and Brock! They were traveling to Kanto Region! But why? They also have a girl I never see before. I rubbed, "Is that really necessary?" Brock recognizes me and ask, "Ash?" I smiled, "The one and only! Wow, Brock, May, Max! I haven't seen you guys for a long time! What you guys doing here in the Kanto Region?" As Brock was about to reply, a net came out and grabbed Max! "Max!" I cried. I knew that I have to use the Synchro Evolution, but as I was about to, the girl said, "Leave this to me! Oshawolt, come on out and use Aqua Jet to cut Max free!" I knew that was my Pokemon from the Unova Region! She got my Pokemon? The water pokemon cut him free and Max said, "Thanks, Emily. You're the best." I said, "Greeninja, use Arial Ace!" The Pokemon did just that and I couldn't believe who I saw. It was Team Aqua! "Team Aqua! What you guys doing here?!?" I cried. Anna, the blue leader of the Team Aqua said, "I'm here to get Mega Evolution!" I said, "No, you can't do that! Only a person who has a keystone has that ability! I'm not going to let you get it and use it to your advantage." I nodded at Greninja and I said, "Let's go, Greeninja!" We used our Aura and we became one. Clement, Bonnie and Serena came into the scene and Serena asks, "What's going on?" Clement said, "I think Ash became Ash-Greeninja and going to battle!" Brock asks, "Who are you guys?"
Author's note: So Ash catches up with Brock, May, Emily and Max. And encounter with Team Aqua once again. What will happen next? Find out soon!

Ash's Sister
FanfictionAsh didn't know it. He has a sister who started her own journey. As she travels she meets Brock, Max and May and went to search for him. Eventually they met again, but they also encounter an old enemy, Team Aqua. Can they defeat them and will Ash an...