Last time on Ash's sister, "No way that I'm letting you get Mega Evolution to use it to your own advantage." Ash nods to Greeninja, "Let's do it, Greeninja!" They bonded using Synchro Evolution as Clement, Bonnie and Serena arrived. "What's happening?" Serena asks. Clement said, "I think that Ash became Ash-Greeninja and started to battle!" Brock said, "Who are you guys?"
I couldn't believe it. Ash became more powerful than I ever imagined! Ash yelled, "Greeninja, double team, let's go!" The Greeninja attacks and Team Aqua has no idea which one was the real one! "Greeninja knows Double Team?" Brock asks in awe. Max said, "Look at that!" The Greeninja got hurt by the Houndhour and Ash groans then said, "Aerial Ace, now!" The Pokemon uses it and Greeninja was back into his original form and Ash falls down like him. Anna said, "Well, this is not good, we're wasting time here. We'll be back!" They retreated and we went to Ash. "Ash, you all right?" Max asks, helping him up. "I'm fine, Max." He turns to his other campions, "Sorry that I didn't tell you guys where we went off to." The blond boy with a backpack said, "It's all right, Ash. I guess that you and Greeninja needed battle training against the Snowbelle Gym, right?" Ash seems to be blushing, "Yeah, you got it." Brock clears his throat, "Uh, who are you guys anyway?" Ash seems to realize that he didn't introduce them. "Oh, right. These are my friends here in the Kanto Region, traveling with me on my Journey." The girl with short hair said, "Hi, I'm Serena." The little girl said, "My name's Bonnie, this is Squishy and Dedenne." Two Pokemon came out out of her pouch and greeted. Bonnie said, pointing to the boy, "Allow me to introduce you to my big brother." He bow, "My name's Clement, it's nice to meet you." I said, "My name's Emily, and this is my partner, Pikachu." May said, "My name's May, and this is my little brother, Max." Max said, "Nice to meet you." "I'm Brock. It's great that you're traveling with Ash. He's a great Trainer." Brock introduce himself. Suddenly Ash's stomach growls and Brock said, "Things never change." "You got that right." We head to the Pokemon Center to eat but I didn't want to eat. I walked towards the window and looked at the distance.
It's weird to see old friends again and old enemies, but I still don't understand why would Team Aqua want Mega Evolution for? Emily seems to be distant lately. "What's with Emily?" I asked Brock. "She must have doubts about meeting you, Ash." "Really?" Then a video phone rang. It was Professor Sychamore! "Professor!" I cried in shock. "Ash, it's a good thing I called you." Brock, Emily, May and Max looked at the screen. "That's the Professor Sychamore?" Max asks. The Professor smiles, "Well, I see new faces. Nice to meet you." I asked, "Did you find more about Mega Evolution yet, Professor?" "Sorry, Ash, no updates yet. How's Frokie?" Ash beamed, "He evolve into Greeninja! And we are more stronger now. More than you ever imagined." He said, "I bet you're on your way towards your eight badge, am I right?" "That's the plan." I agreed. "I will root for you in the Kalos League." "See ya, Professor." The video went off and Brock said, "I think you owe us for explanations." We gather around in the table. I said, "So, what we tell you that our Pokemon has another stage of Evolution?" Brock said, "What you mean?" Clement said, "Well, according to Professor Sycamore, there's a special stage that Pokemon has. They can can change back to their original form, after it evolves." Emily said, "What? Are you guys serious?" I nodded, "Yeah. It's called Mega Evolution. It's a strong bond between the Trainer and his pokemon." Max said, "Wait, what about you and Greeninja?" "Yeah, what was that Mega Evolution too?" May asks. Bonnie said, "No, Ash and Greeninja doesn't have Mega Evolution, but Clement believes it is similar to that. It's called Synchro Evolution. It's not using a keystone." "Keystone." Brock repeats. I said, "Right, that how Mega Evolution works. You have to get a Keystone to make it work."
I still can't believe this is my brother. He's a lot shocking and surprising things I would like to learn more about him. Pikachu looks at me as if she was worried about my condition. "Pika. Pika pika pikachu." I said, "I'm fine, buddy, just a little bit overwhelm about this. Should I tell Ash that I am his sister now?" The Pokemon gave me a thumbs up. I smiled and walked towards the room where Ash was sleeping. I saw him with his Pikachu. He must been his first Pokemon, just like me. I guess that is something we have in common. As I was wondering how should I wake him up, a gas exploded! "What's going on?!?" I asked. A new Pokemon appears and I said, "What's that Pokemon?" "Weezing. A gas Pokemon. It has two heads that sprays gas to cover it's prey." "A Wheezing? why is it here?" I saw a familiar sight. It was Team Aqua! "Team Aqua!" I cried. I looked at Ash's Pikachu. "Pikachu, use Iron Tail!" He did and Clement said, "What's going on?!?" Brock said, "It's a Wheezing!" "A what?" Serena asks. I was trying to win the fight, but then Anna said, "Full power, Wheezing!" The gas Pokemon sprays the arena and we coughed. As the dusk clears, Clement asks, "Is everyone all right?" I looked at Ash's bed, he was gone! "No, Ash!" I realized. We ran out of the Pokemon Center and I asked Professor Oak to let me get Charizard for help. I rode on Charizard with both Pikachus and Serena asks, "Where did that Charizard come from?" I replied, "This Charizard is Ash's Pokemon, and he trusts me." Clement said, "Why? Why you so concerned about Ash?" I said, "Because he's my brother!" The gang was speechless, except for Brock, May and Max who knew the truth.

Ash's Sister
FanfictionAsh didn't know it. He has a sister who started her own journey. As she travels she meets Brock, Max and May and went to search for him. Eventually they met again, but they also encounter an old enemy, Team Aqua. Can they defeat them and will Ash an...