#14, So It's Gonna Be Forever! Or It's Gonna Go Down In Flames!

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"W-what?" I asked backing away from him.

"A date. With me." He said slowly making me glare at him.

"I understood that already! I meant it in a why-are-you-asking-me kind of way!" I huffed.

He chuckled.

 "You never fail to amuse me sunshine." He said smiling.


I answered but my heart was screaming a yes beating a million times per minute. 

I am scared honestly, I am scared of my reaction towards him, I am scared of heartbreak, all this is very similar to what happened before and if it happens again...I'll break completely. I am scared of that because I really like him. Never did I think I'll feel this way towards him, but I do.

"I'm not asking you babe, I am telling you." He smirked and before I could protest he got on his bike starting it.

"I'll pick you up at seven sharp." He said and drove away while I stared at his retreating figure.

What just happened?

I sighed and went inside. Half of me was anxious while the other half was dying from excitement. 

I went to the kitchen to grab something to eat. I looked in the fridge, looks like I need to go shopping later. 

I heated my already made pasta and went upstairs to my room.

Picking up my phone I texted Cassie.

"Hey guess what"

"OMG! What?!" she replied instantly.

"Ryan asked me out on a date.." I replied biting my lip.

"HE WHAT!!!!??!!" I could practically hear her screaming.

"Today at seven, come over please? I have no idea what to do :("

"Best friend to the rescue! Be there in five!"

And as she had said, she barged in my room after five minutes panting.

"Why are you panting?" I asked confused.

"I literally ran up here!" She said gesturing with her hands for emphasis.


"Why? It's an emergency! And look at the time! It's almost four which means only three hours!" She said opening my wardrobe and rummaging through my clothes.

I laughed at her but then remembered what happened today in the cafeteria.

"What happened to Caleb?" I asked her making her freeze in her place for a second but then she shook her head and gathered some clothes turning around.

"Nothing happened to him, and concentrate on your date right now not him." She chuckled but something was off.

"Cassie." I said in a warning tone making her sigh.

"Tell me." I stressed.

She turned towards me keeping the dresses on the bed behind her.

"You really want to know?" She asked making me nod my head.

"He...he..likes you Mae.." She said closing her eyes while I felt like the ground has been removed from beneath me.

I sat there still for a moment trying to process this. 

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