Ryan's Pov 2

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Chapter 4

Another day down.

I sigh starting my bike and lift my helmet. I look once towards the school entrance wearing my helmet and do a double take when I see her standing there looking around.

I stare at her for a moment. Did she not bring her car? Is she waiting for someone?

She struggles with her backpack which is loaded with work and which reminds me I should really complete my own assignments which I have kept pending due to all the gang work and my laziness.

After minute of seeing her standing there helplessly I swerve my bike in her direction. I stop right in front of her making her jump a step back in surprise. I see her swooning over my form through the face shield and smirk.

Her expression immediately changes as soon as she sees its me..the great.

"You are blocking my way." She says with narrowed eyes. I flip my helmet messed hair and grin at her.

She makes a weird face staring at me as if in a trance.

After a moment I start feeling self conscious and click my fingers in front of her face but she gives no response.

What the..

I look at her squinted eyes n scrunched up nose and couldn't help but chuckle. This seemed to break her out of the trance or whatever she was thinking.

She starts blinking rapidly as if composing herself, "you okay there sunshine?" I ask her.

"Yes I am fine." She replies her cheeks burning red.

" Looked like you were deep in thought. I called your name many times but you didn't respond and had this serious expression on your face which I admit was damn cute." I reply laughing because in reality she looked weird..not cute, but I guess saying that will not help my situation at all with her.

"What do you want?" She asks.

Oh I want a lot...

"I saw you walking alone so I assumed that you didn't bring your car and...that bag looks quite heavy and being the gentleman I am I came to offer you a ride." I wink at her keeping my thoughts aside.

"Soo hop on sunshine!" I raise my eyebrows challengingly. Most of the girls immediately back off when it comes to riding a bike, let see what you are made of sunshine.

She smirks back and climbs behind me.

I like this.

A lot.


Chapter 8

I walk back in my room after seeing dad. I stop in my tracks when I see her huddled with my phone.

What? What is she doing here? How the fuck did she even get in?! What is she even doing with it?!

Then I remember the video I made of her drunk and silently laugh.

"Ah hem" I clear my throat and she drops the phone surprised. She whirls around shocked.

"Well well well, what do we have here?" I smirk at her leaning against the door frame.

"I..I..umm..I," She stutters baffled staring at me. I realise I was not wearing my shirt and my smirk grows realising the effect I have on her.

"Like what you see?" I ask with my ego inflated.

"Don't you think that line is getting old?" She replied, deflating whatever pride I had gained.

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