#22, Just When I Thought It Couldn't Get Any More Cliché!

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I stood there holding my breath as he sighed running his hand through his hair messing it up. He then tucked the thing back in his leather jacket and drew in a long breath closing his eyes.

"I know you are there." He said to no one in particular. I looked around to figure out who he was talking to.

He turned towards my direction and narrowed his eyes. I gulped and stood still as a statue.

"Mae, I know you are there." He said again and my heart skipped a beat. 

How did he see me?! His back was turned towards me! Please don't turn out to be some alien or super human!

My eyes widened at that thought and my mind went blank.

"Mae, I am talking to you." He sighed shoving his hands in his pockets.

I gestured a finger towards me asking him if he was talking to me. 

I know he is talking to me because there is no other Mae, or in fact any other living breathing human being around but the situation has left my mind in an impassive state.

I was so lost in thought that I didn't notice he has moved forward and is now standing in front of me with a frown etched on his handsome face.

"H...HII!" I squeaked.

He just raised an eyebrow at this, "you shouldn't be here Mae." He said seriously.

"What are you doing here?" He asked curious.

"I..I..shop...stuff...old lady...car...hungry.." I started to ramble making no sense. I mentally face palmed at this.

 Get a hold of yourself.

Ryan looked at me as if I had grown an extra head. I stood straighter and dusted the invisible dust off my clothes before clearing my throat.

"I...I came to the mart opposite the street to buy some stuff since it had finished and I am hungry." I said in a clear leveled voice, I quietly patted myself on the back and gave him my million dollar smile.

"I know you saw that." Ryan said bluntly.

My smile immediately dropped, "saw what?" I stated playing dumb.

Ryan said nothing and just stared at me concentrating hard as if I am some puzzle which holds the key to solve the mystery of the universe.

After a moment of his deep...concentration and me just standing there awkwardly. He reached inside and brought out the...gun.

 I gasped as he held it in his hand.

"I know you followed me here and saw the encounter between that man and me." He said confidently.

"How did you know?" I asked looking at him and trying hard not to stare at this hand which held that thing.

Then my eyes widened, "don't tell me you are some sort of alien which has eyes all around which...you know...gives like a 3D view or some super human with super powers, though that would be quite cool, but still it will freak the hell out of me because you know such things just happen in books and movies and this is real life and-" Ryan held my shoulders and smashed his lips against mine instantly sending my heart into a frenzy.

I didn't respond for a moment due to surprise but soon melted in his arms and kissed him back. He groaned and pushed me against the wall pressing his body against mine. I felt shivers of delight run down my spine as I wrapped my arms around his neck and tugging him closer than he already was. It was a scorching kiss and my insides were burning with his every touch and the intensity induced in it.

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