#20, But You Say You're Just A Friend!

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"You told him?!" Cassie exclaims as soon as I tell her about the previous night.

 It was lunch time and we were sitting at our usual table.

"Yes I did." I admit picking at my food.

"What did he say? Tell me! If he said anything which hurt you, I'll personally kick his ass, and you know how dangerous my kicking is." She winked making me chuckle and nod in agreement.

Last year, once we were returning home, when this guy came up and started bothering us. Cassie warned him to back off but he didn't listen and she kicked his ass...literally, he fell down and didn't even get up after that... 

So yeah...don't mess with her.

I chuckle, "No Cassie you don't need to do that. He didn't hurt me or was disgusted by me as I had expected but his reaction was the complete opposite."

I smiled as I remembered his words but then frowned

 "You are not the only one with secrets"

What did he mean by that?

I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn't notice Kylie and Tori standing at our table.

"Hey Cassie!" They said. 

 "Mae" I just smiled at them as they sat at our table.

I looked at Cassie giving her a WTF? look and she simply shrugged just as confused as I was.

"So we wanted to ask..." Kylie started scrunching up her eyebrows.

"We wanted to ask...are you friends with Ryan Stone?" Tori completed for her.

I rolled my eyes, "and you are asking because?"

"Well we see you two together a lot these days...are you two together or something?" Kylie asks making a sour face.

Of course they will ask this question, after all they worship the ground he walks.

"Yep, we are...friends." I say but press my lips in a thin line not liking the term friends.

  Woah...say what?

"You! You got what I need! But you say you're just a friend! Yeah you say you're just a friend!" Cassie's phone starts blaring.

I give her the stink eye while she quickly dismisses the call.

"Okay, we'll get going." Kylie says giving a fake smile which I mirror.

"Stupid nosy bitches." Cassie mutters glaring at their backs.

I chuckle but stop when Ryan along with Ash and Ray plop down at our table.

"Hey," they greet us and we greet them back. The whole cafeteria goes silent as everyone stare at us. I look around uncomfortably not liking the attention all of a sudden.

"Don't have anything better to do you creeps?!" Cassie yells and everyone goes back to whatever they were doing.

"Damn! You're a loud one." Ray whistles lowly earning a death glare from Cassie while he grins.

"Hey," Ryan says to me softly. "Are you alright?" He asks concerned and I smile

"I'm fine." He nods and goes back to eating his food.

I look up and see Asher, Ray and Cassie talking and laughing as if they've know each other since a long time. I smile at this, now that Ryan and I are...friends...ahem, I guess they too are my friends right? They both are pretty cool and not the cold, dangerous guys as others see them to be. Well yes if you mess with them they can be very intimidating, otherwise you won't even know they are known as the 'bad boys'.

"I will play the new video game which we bought first and that's final." Asher say frowning at Ray.

"Nope dude I will play it first since I have played the previous version." Ray glares at him.

"That is no excuse bro, I will play it first and that's final." Asher huffs.

"Excuse? I will play it first since my share in the payment was more." Ray grits out.

They both were looking at each other with matching hard glares. Even though the topic they were fighting over was childish, but by the way they were doing it was...scary. They clenched and unclenched their fists as if getting ready to swing at each other any moment.

I gulped and looked at Cassie who had the same expression as me. I turned towards Ryan who was peacefully eating his sandwich not even bothered by the thick tension surrounding us.

"Aren't you gonna stop them?" I whisper to him.

"Just wait and watch." He snorts rolling his eyes.

"So you won't back down?" Asher asks in a calm scary tone.

"Never." Ray replies in the same voice.

"Let's deal it like men then." Asher say as Ray gives a curt nod.

I gasp and look at Ryan but he just shakes his head and continues to eat calmly.

I see them clenching their fists and close my eyes to prevent seeing them punching the shit out of each other.

"Bring it on buddy." Ray says.

I bit my lip in anticipation and slid down in my seat waiting--

"STONE! PAPER! SCISSORS!" They yell and my eyes shoot open in shock.

I look at Ryan questioningly while he just shrugs.

I look back at them, Asher has taken out paper while Ray has stone.

"I WIN!! HAH! IN YOUR FACE LOSER!" Asher fist pumps making silly faces at Ray who just slumps in his seat pouting dejectedly.

Cassie has her face covered with her hands laughing hard while I sit there still trying to comprehend what the fudge just happened.

Ryan mouths crazy to me while I chuckle.

The bell rings signaling the end of lunch and we make our way towards our next class.

Ryan walks me to my locker, I take out my books and turn towards him. I bite my lip and decide to ask him the question that has been nagging me since yesterday.

"What did you mean last night? You didn't even answer my question whether you know Cole or not." I blurt out and he stills, his once smiling face goes hard.

  Wrong timing Mae! Very wrong.

He frowns at me, "I don't think you should be concerned about this Mae, just forget what I said." He says and walks away not even sparing me a glance.

I slump against my locker hurt.

  Does he not trust me like I trust him? Does he not think I'm worthy of confiding in?

I let you in Ryan Stone and I will make sure to find out what you are hiding.


[A/N: Well I have always played 'stone' paper scissors and yes I know many say 'rock' paper scissors. So while I was writing the chapter, I decided to go with stone because of my lead character's name :) ]

Sorry for any typos!





(I hate typos)

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