"I TOLD YOU TO CHANGE THE LOCATION OF YOUR SPARE KEY!" Ryan growls when I tell him what happened.
"I did it... just now." I mumble and look away.
We are in his basement for today's training but before we could start, I told them about the note Cole wrote and they cursed him a string of beautiful profanities.
"Mae.." He says in a warning tone.
"I did change it okay?" I say exasperatedly pinching the bridge of my nose.
"I did it last time too!" I mutter.
"Yeah, by just keeping it under the other vase beside it." He scoffs and crosses his arms over his chest.
"Just stop talking about this and think of the actual matter at hand!" I grit out frustrated.
"I am just looking out for your safety! How can you be so careless?!" He looks at me in disbelief.
"Sorry okay?! Just...let it go Ryan and if you cannot, I am leaving!" I turn around to go. Yes I know it was my fault but I am accepting my mistake, aren't I? Why can't he just let it go?
He is concerned about you, you dumbass!
Yes I know...
It WAS your fault
I know...
He is looking out for you
I know...
And you are acting like a bitch
I know...
Don't hey me! Stop your childish act
Ugh! shut up
Tears burn my vision as I start to make my way towards the exit but before I could go Ryan tugs my hand and pulls me towards his chest.
"Mae I am sorry." He sighs.
"No, I am sorry, I was behaving immaturely when you were just concerned about my safety." I bury my face in his chest as a few tears escape.
He lifts my face wiping the tears and kisses my forehead, "Don't cry baby, we'll figure this out." He says and I nod my head.
I was lying on my bed just staring at the ceiling and thinking about all that has occurred so far. From Cole to Caleb to Ryan to everything else. How much everything has changed.
Now Cole was here and I am adamant about taking my revenge, I turn on my side and my eyes land on the picture of my sister. She was smiling so brightly making my heart clench in hurt and guilt as memories of her being shot right in front of me surfaced. I covered my ears tightly as the gun shot of that day continued to echo in my ears and let out a frustrated scream.
I took deep breaths to calm myself down and looked at the time 10:45pm.
I glanced at my phone and picked it up hesitantly. I scrolled through my contact and stopped at a name I haven't contacted in months.
I heard the dial tone and just when I was about to hang a very surprised voice called out from the other side.
"Mae?" My mother said almost unsurely.
"Hi mom" I greeted biting my lip and looked down at my lap.
"What..do you want something?" She says and I smile coldly to myself.
"I am very good mom thanks for asking. I don't want anything, just wanted to talk to my mother who I guess is unsurprisingly very busy right now like always because she doesn't have the time to even ring up once to make sure I am alright or even text once, me being the first one always to give a call." I speak calmly and hang up not giving her a chance to say anything.
I flop down on my bed sighing, it was the first time I have spoken to my mother like this and getting it out felt...good. I know our relationship became strained after my sister's death but she is still my mother right? She was never there whenever I needed her the most so I don't know what to call her anymore.
The same case being with my father but I talk to him more often that my mother, even though our talks are formal and not like how a father - daughter talk should be.
I felt my eyes getting heavier and was about to fall sleep when I heard something fall and break downstairs.
I shot up and cautiously made my way down in the dark. I walked towards the kitchen from where I assumed the sound came and switched the lights on.
"Well hello Mae." He greeted sitting down casually on the counter smirking.
"Caleb" I breathed out as if unsure that he was actually there.
"Mae" He sings and hops down from the counter.
"How did you get in?" I ask in a leveled voice.
"Well broke in through the window." He shrugs and gestures with his head towards the now broken kitchen window.
"What do you want?" I ask my heart thumping in my chest.
"Too many questions." He clicks his tongue making a sour face.
"Just answer" I glare.
"You know what I want." He says moving forward and I take a step back.
"Caleb, I already told you." I speak and he laughs coldly.
"It's so easy to say right? So damn easy!" He laughs like a maniac.
"Caleb" I whisper his name and he looks up.
"Why" I ask him, my voice vulnerable
"YOU KNOW WHY! HOW CAN YOU CHOSE HIM OVER ME?!" He screams and I flinch back at his outburst, he grabs my hand and I try to break free but in vain.
He catches my other hand and twists it behind my back, I struggle in full force trying to pry him off but he is stronger.
I think of all the things Ryan taught me but at this moment nothing came to my mind. Finally I decided the only move I knew and could always rely on. I lift my knee hitting him in his family jewels and he doubles over in pain releasing me.
I wince a little as I massage my hand where he held me and look around wildly to locate my phone which I am sure I brought down with me.
I see it lying on the other side of the kitchen counter which might have gone there when we were struggling. I make a move towards it but suddenly my body jerks in a freeze as something hard hits my head.
I feel numb for a moment completely frozen with the impact, I lift my hand and touch the back of my head to feel something wet, I bring my hand forward to see it covered in red.
As the pain finally registered I turn around slowly to see Caleb standing there with a metal rod in his hand before black dots cloud my vision and everything turns dark.
Sorry for any typos!

Possessive Much?
Teen Fiction[Highest Rank: #1 in Teen Fiction] 🚫WARNING🚫 :| CLICHE ALERT! This is some high class cringe stuff which will make you want to throw yourself out the window |: :|You have been warned, proceed at your own risk |: ⬇️ He stood up with his hands in...