#5, Déjà Vu

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"Get ready, I am picking you up in 20." Cassie said as soon as I answered her call.

"Hello to you too." I teased

"Yeah yeah now get ready!" She urged.

"Whoa, ready for what?" I asked taking a sip of my dear precious coffee.

"Ryan Stone's party, what else?" She said in an 'duh' tone.

I fought the urge to spit my coffee as I heard the news.

"Whom did you say? Ryan Stone? What makes you think I'll go to his party? And even if it was someone else's, why would you think I will go in the first place? You know how I hate them!" I said in disbelief.

"He personally invited you to his party, came up to me and told me specially bring you along with me. So stop whining and talking! Now you only have fifteen minutes!" She said exasperated.

"Wow Cassie, why are you informing me so early girl? I have so much time! Oh and if he wanted me to come he should have told me this himself, don't you think?" I rolled my eyes.

"Sorry okay, and maybe because he was nervous? Honestly, he looked kind of hesitant while asking me about you." She said.

Ryan Stone nervous? Nah...why would he be nervous and he was probably hesitant to invite me because I don't fit in his world and by inviting me he is risking his reputation...yes that must be it. 

But for some reason this thought made me feel slightly hurt.

"Now bye! I'll see you soon." She said and hung up.

I sighed and dragged myself to the closet taking out a dark blue dress and putting it on. I left my hair down curling it slightly and applied mascara and cherry lipgloss. I looked at myself and nodded, simple and sweet

I put on my black heels and took my phone walking downstairs.

The door bell rang and revealed Cassie in a tight black dress. 

She literally shoved me in her car putting my seat belt afraid I might run away. 

Which I would have...smart girl.

We arrived at his huge house blaring with 'Blame' by Calvin Harris . It was a typical highschool party, red cups everywhere, drunk teenagers roaming or more like stumbling, couples making out at which I scrunched up my nose. The inside was packed with people.

 Did he invite the whole town?

I recognized some people from our school but many faces were unfamiliar.

  So he did invite the whole town.

I shook my head and looked around.

Cassie and I made our way towards the kitchen where it was less crowded and I sat down on the bar stool at the counter.

"Beer or Vodka?" Cassie asked holding each in one hand.

"Water" I said and she shrugged throwing me a bottle but as soon as I opened it and turned around I crashed into someone soaking their shirt with it.

I looked at him horrified as I felt a sense of déjà vu while he grinned from ear to ear. 

"Again Sunshine? You know you want me, just admit it." He smirked while I scowled.

"This is unbelievable!" I muttered.

"Oh I definitely am believable. I know I am just so amazing-" 

"Not you idiot! This situation!" I cut him.

"Whatever you say" He said and grabbed a beer. I scrunched up my nose at this and saw him looking at me with a soft smile, I blushed at this.

"You drink?" I asked composing myself.

"Nope, just taking it for the guests." He said

I looked at him shocked, "You don't drink?" I asked again.

"I just said no, didn't I?" He said raising an eyebrow.

"Come on lets go." He grabbed my hand and led me through the dancing crowd towards another room where there were lesser people.

"Hey everyone, this is Mae." He told them and I gave them a shy wave. 

There were about seven people here excluding Ryan and me, but I recognized only Asher and Raymond, Ryan's two best friends.

They said their greetings while I sat there awkwardly.

A girl who looked quite drunk stood up and walked to the middle of the room holding a bottle. "Game time losers!" She hollered while the others hooted in approval.

Everyone sat in a circle, "Which game?" I asked Ryan while he looked at me blankly.

 "Truth or dare, obviously," he said, "Let me guess..you don't go to much parties?"

"Nope not 'much parties' because I don't go to parties at all" I said

He smirked, "Goody-two-shoes I see"

I scoffed "Just because I don't go to parties doesn't mean I am some 'goody-two-shoes'."

He nodded still with that stupid smirk plastered on his face obviously not believing me, mostly because what he said was true.

He pulled me down with him and whispered in my ear, "let's see the not so good side of this goody-two-shoes then."

I gulped which he saw and grinned making my heart beat rapidly.

 It's okay Mae, it's just a game .

I consoled myself closing my eyes and opening them with a new determination. 

I will prove him wrong.

"Begin the game." I said making him look at me with his eyebrows raised while I smirked.

Q-Does anyone know how to make crack videos? Please help me

Yo, not THAT crack 😒, come on people. I mean parody videos 🤧.

Anyone know some good video editors or editing softwares?

Hey you lovely people!




Virtual cookies for you! :D

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