#Bonus 4, You Have No Idea

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I was walking down the hallway towards my locker to get the books for the next lesson.


I heard someone call and turned around to see Jared standing there grinning at me. 

Jared was the captain of the soccer team and the guy who you would call 'the golden boy' of the school. He was quite good looking with light brown hair and dark eyes, but nothing compared to Ryan.

Hah! Whipped!


He was in a few of my classes but we never really interacted before. 

"Hi." I smiled.

"Umm...I was wondering if you could give me your notes of history, I was busy practicing for the upcoming game and missed a few classes so Mr. Baner told me to ask you since you are one of the best student-"

I chuckled and he stopped giving a crooked smile, "I was rambling, wasn't I?" He asked shoving his hands in his pockets.

"Yes you were." I pointed out then reached inside my bag to retrieve the notes.

"Thank you." He said as I handed it to him. I smiled and  turned to go-

"Wait!" He called and I faced him again.


"I-I just wanted to say that you look beautiful." He complimented smiling and I felt heat rushing to my cheeks.

"T-thanks...I guess?" I squeaked.

He chuckled and gave a half smile, "So are you coming for the game this weekend?" 


"No she is not." Someone said coming up behind me and pulling me harshly towards himself.

"Who are you to speak for her?" Jared scowled.

"I am her fucking boyfriend." Ryan says in a cold voice glaring at him. 

I tried to squirm out of his iron grip but stopped when he directed his cold glare at me.

"Okay dude, no need to get your panties in a twist, I was just talking to her." Jared says raising his hands in a surrendering gesture.

"Yeah, now scurry off before my fist starts talking to your face!" Ryan spat and a glaring competition begins between the bad boy and the golden boy of the school, but Jared seemingly intimidated by him backed off and walked away in an angry demeanor.

"Ryan-" I was cut off by his glare. 

Why is he angry at me?

He pushed me against the wall trapping my body with his.

"He was just freaking talking Ryan! What is your problem?!" I yell still struggling to get out of his hold but he only tightened his grip.

"What is my problem?! MY problem is the way he was looking at you! The way only I am supposed to! MY problem is that he was making you blush! Only I AM allowed to do that! My problem is that he was hitting on you and you are mine! Only MINE!"

His angry possessive behaviour was making me angry too but at the same time my heart was fluttering. 

But who does he think he is?! 

"You don't control me." I glared at him and he gave a sadistic smile, one which I have never seen on him before. His eyes were dark and not the bright green I am used to.

"No, I don't. But that doesn't change the fact that you belong with me." With that he smashed his lips on mine in a frantic and angry kiss. It was not soft but rough and demanding. My heart was beating a million times per minute but I kissed him back with equal force taking out all my anger. I pulled away to take in the much needed oxygen, my cheeks resembling the brightest shade of red. Ryan smirked his eyes lighter now and lifted his hand caressing my cheek.

"See, only I am supposed to make you feel this way." He says cupping my face and if possible my cheeks heat up even more at this.

"Don't burn my hands." He says chuckling and I swat his hands away.

"Don't do that ever again!" I hit his chest and his eyes darken again.

Oh no!

"I will do that every time I see someone like that with you." He scowls and then buries his face in my neck.

"Mine." He grits out  pulling me in a tight hug.

"Are you turning into a werewolf or something?" I bite my lip amused.

He lifts his head and smirks making my knees turn to jelly, "maybe I am."

I hit his arm playfully and he laughs, "possessive much?"

"You have no idea."


This too, is inspired from an actual incident between two of  my bestfriends ....yes they are together... yes guys, I can be compared to Asher  *sigh* #foreveralone

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