Chapter 6

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"So let me get this straight. You," Said Tom, designating Catherine "You decide to secretly go to school. Not only do you disobey us and scare me and your mother to death, but you also lie!" Neglecting Julia's reproachful glare at the mention of the word "us", he continued, talking this time to John. " And you help her! How did you explain her presence?"

"Mmczin." mumbled John incomprehensibly after a long pause.

"I beg your pardon?"

"My mute cousin." He repeated.

"Your...the...?" Incapable of understanding how the teachers could've believed such stories, Tom changed his approach. "I hope you are aware that you will be punished. Both of you." They nodded, powerless. "Good. John, you will be grounded for...two weeks. Catherine...I'm taking your books for the same period of time and you will have to confess your sin to Father George." Satisfied, Tom went upstairs to take Catherine's books before locking them in his study. " That should teach you both." He added before leaving.

As soon as he was gone Catherine exclaimed "It's not fair!"

"Mom, couldn't you talk to him?" Asked John at the same time.

"I know it's unfair, kids, but I can't change his mind." Sadness and tears sparkled in Julia's blue eyes.

"John?" Asked Catherine with a small voice as she joined her brother in the living room. Sitting on the armchair next to the window, he was looking at the street without seeing it.

"Yes?" John didn't deign turn around.

"I...I wanted to apologize. It's my fault you're grounded. What will Mary say?"

Turning towards his younger sister, he smiled: " She will keep saying how good of a big brother I am to have helped my sister. Hey...don't cry Kitty." He softly wiped the tears rolling down Catherine's cheek. A small smile lit up her face as she heard the nickname. "Don't worry about it. I didn't mind helping you, you know. I'm proud of you."


"Yes. It took a lot of courage, to disobey like that. It's important to stand up for what you believe in, Kitty. You can't let people step all over you. You did the right thing, standing up to him like that. It's not by always obeying the same person that you'll get very far in life. You have to fight for what you want, and that's what you did. So yes, I am proud."

At dinner that night, only Lily failed to notice the tense atmosphere that reigned. She joyfully recounted her day in detail even if no one payed attention. As soon as her meal was eaten, Catherine went up to her room without bothering to ask permission to do so.

She lay down on her bed, and before long a tear rolled down her cheek. A second, a third. But then memories of the day floated into her mind. The teachers and students, and all the wonderful things she had learned that day. And, despite herself, she found herself smiling. Smiling at the experience. Smiling at her luck to have gone to school. Smiling at the fact that she had defied her father. As selfish as it may seem, Catherine took pride in her accomplishment. It didn't really matter that she had dragged John into her adventure. Even though she felt bad about him being grounded, she did not regret one bit her decision

"Catherine? May I come in?" Julia's voice floated through the door.

"Sure." Catherine answered.

"Now. I'm not looking for excuses, or reasons, nor am I here to judge, agree, or punish." Julia started as she closed the door behind her and sat down on the bed.

Well what are you here for, then? Thought Catherine, though not daring to ask aloud.

"I just want to ask you questions. Are you glad you did what you did?"

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