Chapter 7

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  "Because Catherine had been a bad girl, her father declared that she would have to take cotillion classes." Kate recounts.  Tyler snorts, but Zoe stares at her grandma with question marks in her eyes.

  "What's cotlion grandma?" At Zoe's mispronunciation and lack of knowledge, Tyler snorts again.  Kate glares at him before answering.

  "I think your brother can explain, dear.  Tyler?"

  Not finding this funny anymore, he mumbles.  "Some kind of good manners class or some shit, right?"

  "Some "shit" like that, yes.  Its a class on how to behave.  Social and dinner etiquette, and ballroom dancing.  There's a big fancy dinner at the end where the kids show off their new talents." Kate explains.

  "Yuk." Zoe scrunched her nose is demonstration of her disgust.  "That doesn't sound fun.  Mommy, do I need to take cotillon?"

  "No honey, you're doing just fine." Diane laughed.

  "Grandma, is dessert ready?" Tyler asked.

  "Dessert!!!!!!" Zoe's squeal made her brother cringe.

  "I'll be right back."

A moment or two passed in silence before Tyler spoke again.  "Mom, how do you know this story?  Grandma said you already knew it."

"Well...I think you'll figure it out in due time.  Let's just say grandma told ME that story when I was a little girl."

  "Did you have to stay at home and go to cotlion mommy?" Wondered Zoe.

"No dear, I didn't.  Here comes dessert.  How about we let grandma finish her story, hey?"

  When everybody got a slice of fuming sugar pie with ice cream, Kate continued.

  "So, Tom told Catherine that she had to take Cotillion classes.  Obviously Catherine wasn't too happy about that."

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