Chapter 12

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"Who was it grandma? Who was the body?" Tyler blurts out. He instantly turns red, having betrayed his "I don't care" attitude.

Kate smiles, relieved her grandson was taking interest in her story at last. "All in due time, Tyler, all in due time." She winks.

"Mom, all in due time is nice and all but we should get going...the kids have school tomorrow." Diane argues.

"But I don't WANT to go! I like grandma's story and I want to hear what happens to Catherine and Peter." Zoe grows quiet for a moment, lost in thought. "Hey...isn't it funny how Peter has the same name as grandpa?"

Kate and Diane exchange a smile, and Kate goes on. "Peter was a common name in that time, dear. A lot of boys were called Peter. When I was at school, there were 3 Peter's in my class!"

"That must've been confusing for the teachers!" Giggles Zoe.

"I'm sure it was, honey, but now we have to go. We'll listen to the end of grandma's story another day, okay?"

"No! I want to stay and hear the rest tonight. Pretty please?" Diane gives in to her daughter's pleading, laughing.

"Alright, but no more than 15 minutes, because it's already late. Alright mom?"

"That should be enough. Plus, grandpa should get here soon, so he can hear the rest of the story too." 

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