The tan

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Zanes pov
We started to pack up to head out to the beach again. Aaron and Garroth lifted all he bags trying to show off. "Ha! I'm carrying more!" Garroth said. "Well not quite." Aaron said picking up Aphmau. She blushed a bright red. Garroth picked up Lucinda. "Suck it!" Garroth said. We all began to laugh. "Piggy back rides!" Aphmau yelled. Aaron put her on his shoulders. Garroth did the same with Lucinda. Soon I felt myself being lifted off the ground. I looked down and saw Dante was lifting me up. "Zane~Kun you're flying!" Kawaii~Chan said. "Ha! Hey Dante draw him like one of you're French girls." Aaron said laughing. "Never let go Jack!" I said sticking my arms out. We all laughed. Once we reached the beach Dante placed me down on a chair under the umbrella. "Zane, I'll be right back I'm going to swim for a bit." He said. "Okay, see you later." I replied.
Aphmaus pov
Me and Katelyn had a great idea. Zane feel asleep on his chair. We dragged his chair from under the umbrella. We really wanted to see what happens to him in the sun! We walked away to play in the water. We removed his mask so his tan got everywhere. We went to go play in the water. We'll put him back in 30minutes.
Aaron's pov
I hung out in the water with the girls and Dante. We swam for about and hour. Dante seemed very bored. As if we didn't interest him, I understand though. "Aaron? How long has it been?" Aphmau asked. "Like an hour." I replied. "Shit!" She said running out of the water. She ran to Zane Dante followed.
Dante's pov
I saw Zane laying out In the sun. He had literally the ultimate tan. That tan would would make Aaron jealous. I just stood there and looked at him. "Like whatcha see?" Aphmau said. "S-shut up." I replied. Aphmau woke him up. He quickly grabbed his mask. "Wait- why am I in the sun?!" He asked. Aphmau grabbed her phone and turned the camera to Zane. He looked at himself. "Aphmau I'll kill you!" He said chasing her. I just stared at him. He can't be this perfect jeez... "Earth to Dante!" Katelyn said. "Oh,uh hey." I said. "For the love of Irene ask him out!" She said. "Do the same with Travis." I replied with a smirk. Then I got drop kicked. Worth it. Soon everything faded to black.
Zanes pov
I tackled Aphmau. Girls stared at me. Once I was out of the water I shook the water out of my hair. I began to walk over to Dante but some girls followed me. One stopped me. "Listen cutie, I want you're number." She said. "No thanks." I said walking away. Another one with short brown hair came up to me. "Okay so you're going to walk to Dante then Aaron comes over and you say Go away." She said. "What?" I asked. "Oh sorry I'm just the writer." She said. Soon a group of amazing people came to her and said "Zarroth!" And they all flew away with her. That was very weird. I walked over to Dante. He was passed out face first on the ground. Soon Aaron approached me. "Hey, did he finally fall for you?" Aaron said. "Go away." I replied rolling my eyes. I put Dante over my shoulder. "Lets head back before I get anymore tan!" I said. "Okay, but just so you know I'm jelly of that tan." He said. "Oh hush! Let's go." I said. On the walk back many girls walked up to me. I kindly refused there offers of a "Good time" or whatever. I finally made it to my room. I placed Dante on our bed. I laid down on the other side to give his space.

Zante Zane X Dante love~love paradise resortOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora