Do you still love me?

251 11 17

(Play the song throughout the chapter)
Zanes pov
I sat in the bathroom and cried. Dante...he's into guys. Why would he want to be with me while I'm stuck like this. I grabbed my razor. I started to cut. Once again. "Hey, you almost done?" Dante asked. I didn't reply. My tears stung my throat. "Zane?" He asked again. He opened the door. "Oh my Irene! Zane stop!" He said grabbing my razor. "Why are you hurting yourself?!" He asked dropping the blade to hold my hands. "Zane please speak to me." He begged. "Dante do you love me...." I asked. "Zane....why are you questioning that?!" He asked. "Am I not what you want?! I'm not exactly the guy you fell in love with..." I said as tears fell onto his hands. "Zane...I didn't just fall in love with a guy. I fell in love with Zane. The shy cute sweet person I grew to know and love. I didn't fall in love with a gender." He said wiping my tears. "But I'm not Zane... I'm some random girl." I said. "You are not sown random girl. You are the love of my life. I don't care if your a girl forever! I love you! And every inch of you!" He said as he pulled me into a hug. "D-Dante... I love you too..." I replied as I hugged him back. He let go of me and looked at me. He pulled down my mask and kissed me.
"Ahem, not to ruin the moment but can I pee?" Aaron asked. We jumped up and awkwardly walked out. "Zane, don't ever cut yourself again...okay?" Dante said. "I promise I won't." I replied.

Zante Zane X Dante love~love paradise resortOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora