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Dante's pov
I slept with Aaron and Garroth. Jeez can they snore! I woke up to a surprising sight. Zane talked to a girl with Pink hair. "Uh, who's this?" I asked. "Oh my new friend call her Nyan." Zane said. She turned to me and said "Heya! You must be Dante." She shook my hand. "Oh yeah, nice to meet ya." I said. Zane started to cook. I stared at him. He looked so cute in apron. I turned my head and saw Nyan staring at me.
Nyans pov
Just tell him! It's sooo obvious he likes him. Dante turned away to look at Zane again. Ugh, why do I have to do everything. "Zane you should relax. Let me cook." I offered. "Oh- really? Thank you." Zane said sitting down. Dante stood near him. He's just standing there?! Sometimes ships need a bit of a push to sail. "Oh no! The following events will be very unfortunate!" I said throwing a pan. "Whoops." I said with a blank expression. Zane pushed Dante out of the way. His mask fell down to his chin. Zane turned his head and stared at Dante. Still?! I kicked Zane on his back making him kiss Dante. I sighed in relief. A smile creeped on my face. "Fucking Finally!" I exclaimed. Another pink haired girl walked down the stairs. "AAAAAHHHH THE SHIPS!" She yelled running around.
Zanes pov
When Kawaii~Chan came I quickly got off Dante. "S-sorry!" I said blushing as I pulled up my mask. "It's fine. I didn't mind." He replied with a wink. "!" I said blushing. He giggled. "You're cute." He said. Soon everyone woke up and walked down stairs. They all complained about screaming but all that mattered were Dante's words.
(This chapter was inspired by @NeonNotNyan here you go)

Zante Zane X Dante love~love paradise resortOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora