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Nyans pov
It's been a week since the kiss. Those two have been inseparable but the still claim they are not dating. I have to get them together somehow. How about I just go talk to them. I walked into they're room.
Zanes pov
Dante kissed my neck as he ran his fingers in my hair. I love him so much but what will the others think? "Hey guys- OTP!!!!!" Nyan yelled. I kicked Dante off of me. "We weren't doing anything!" Dante said. "Yeah right! I'm telling everyone!" She yelled. She ran down the stairs yelling "DANTE AND ZANE ARE DATING" everyone woke up and started to fangirl. Even Aaron. I swear I have the Weirdest friends.
Dante pov
I looked Zane in his eyes. "Wanna be my boyfriend?" I asked. He blushed a bright red. "R-really?! Of course!" He said as he wrapped his arms around me. I kissed his forehead. I'm going to love this vacation. Every second with him is already a paridise.
Nyans pov
I stood at their door. Dante held Zane in the cutest way. Maybe I should get a boyfriend too!

Zante Zane X Dante love~love paradise resortOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora