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@NeonNotNyan was kind enough to make some FANART!

It's amazing go follow her cuz she's great, now back to the story)Dances pov"I-i think he c-can just use a towel!" Zane said

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It's amazing go follow her cuz she's great, now back to the story)
Dances pov
"I-i think he c-can just use a towel!" Zane said. He blushed a deep red and pulled up his mask. "I think I should take off my shirt." I said with a smirk. "Zoon are you alright?" Ivy asked. He just pulled his mask higher. I took off my shirt. "I'm g-going to go. Bye!" Zane said running up to are room. "Ugh, I'll get the napkins." Aphmau said walking up as well. "What was that all about Dinosaur?" Ivy asked. "I don't really know." I lied. He obviously likes me as well. Kawaii~Chan passed out on the couch. "Uh, bye Arizona, Dirt, and Lice. I'll see you later." Ivy said leaving. "How do you mix up lice and Lucinda?!" Lucinda complained. We all laughed.
Aphmaus pov
"It's okay, let it out." I said holding a tissue to his bleeding nose. "Kawaii~Chan is an asshole!" He said. "Ssssh, mama Aphmeow is here for you." I said as I began to rub his back. "Why can't Dante like me too?!" He said wiping away the last bit of blood from his nose. " you're too good for him. You need to control those nose bleeds." I said. "Yeah I'll do that the day you control you're blushing." He said laughing. "Oh hush!" I said punching his shoulder gently. Dante walked in. "Get out this is girl talk!" I said pointing to the door. "But this is my room too." Dante said stepping in a bit more. "Go chill with Aaron!!!!!" I yelled back. "Okay, okay fine." He said leaving.
Zanes pov
Ugh! Why Dante?! Why not someone else?! Like, Travis or something! But Dante's soothing voice, his gorgeous blue hair. He's perfect.  Me and Aphmau gossiped for a while but all I could think about was Dante.

Zante Zane X Dante love~love paradise resortOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora