Guess whos back?

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Aphmaus pov
I walked into Zane and Dante's room. Dante had his arm around Zane. Kawaii! I decided to wake up Zane. "Wake up little cupcake." I said gently. "Not now Dante." Zane said. "So what's this I hear about Dante calling you little cupcake?" I said with a smirk. Zane jumped out of bed and onto the floor. " Woah I should water my children bye!" Zane said running out of the door.Dante got up. "What's gotten into Zane?" He asked sitting up. "You mean you're little cupcake?" I smiled. " unicorn is lost I better go find it!" He said blushing as he ran down after Zane. Hehehehehe ships are sailing...MWAHAHAHAHA!
Zanes pov
"Zane~Kun here's you're breakfast! Eggs, bacon, and pony shaped pancakes!" Kawaii~Chan said with a smile. Dante ran downstairs. "I need to stay far from Aphmau! For a loooooooooooooong while." Dante said sitting beside me. "Kawaii~Chan will make more food." She said starting up the stove again.
"What happened?" I asked. "She just asked so many awkward questions." He said. "I know how you feel. I'm going to go to the store. I need more sunscreen." I said. "Yea before you leave this place golden." Dante said laughing. "Oh hush." I said walking out. On my way there I was stopped by a red haired girl. "Zucchini? It's great to see you! Have you seen you're brother Garith Ro'mive? Oh and I'd love to see Atma I really need to apologize." She said. "Ivy the only girl who can say names wrong so perfectly. Yeah we're staying down there." I said pointing to are place. "Cool! And do I see Canary~Choon over there? I have to go say hi!" Ivy said running over. I walked by people playing. Soon I reached the store.
Dante's pov
I should text Zane something cute. To get his heart pumping. I know exactly what to text! Dante-hey little cupcake. I'd eat you ;) Aaron-dude I think you texted the wrong person. Dante- face palm intensifies. Aaron-XD "That was a fail!" Kawaii~Chan said looking over my shoulder. "Nosey!" I said. "Heh! Kawaii~Chan can't help it!" She whined.
Zanes pov
I got a text from Dante.
D- Hey cutie
Z-what's gotten into you?
D- Nothing but I know what I want to put in you ;)
*my face turned a bright red*
Z- Dante! Since when do you talk to me like that!
D- Since I saw that ass
Z- •_•
D- 🍆
Z- what in Irene's name is wrong with you?!
D- Sorry about that Kawaii~Chan and Aphmau took my phone smh
Z- oh so you weren't serious? I'm gonna go. See you when I get back.
Dante's pov
"Ha! You should have let us do the flirting!" Aphmau said. "Fine I admit you two are smooth." I said. "Hey his pick up lines aren't that bad! He swept me off my feet." Aaron said laughing. "That was by mistake!" I said. "NUUU my feelings." Aaron said. "Aaron you can not love Dante! For he already has my heart!" Aphmau said. "Don't fight for me! The table has already won my love!" I said. We all laughed. I wish Zane was here. "Doomtube? Afloo? Cutting~Train? Atom? Guys is me ivy!" She said walking in. "Ivy?" Aphmau said shocked. "Listen I'm sorry for the way I treated all of you. I've grown so much as a person and I hope for forgiveness." She said. "We forgive you but don't screw up again." Aphmau said. "Oh thank you!" Ivy said. Garroth and Katelyn woke up and came down stairs. "Katrice! Government! It's great to see you!" She said. "It's Garroth! Gar-Roth!" He said running back upstairs. "I'll kill you!" Katelyn said. "Don't fight her! Aph forgave her." I said.
"Oh, and it's Katelyn." She told ivy. "Yeah that's what I said. Koollight." Ivy said. "Close enough." We said. Zane Walked in. "Zoster Arthmook forgave me!" Ivy said to Zane. "That's great iPad!" Zane said. "It's ivy." She said. "That's what I said. Igloo." Zane replied. We all laughed. This is why I love him. Kawaii~Chan ran to me with a cup. "Oh no! Now Dante~Kun is covered in water! Now he has to take off his shirt while Zane~Kun is here. Oh nooooo." She said throwing water at me. Zane stared at me.

Zante Zane X Dante love~love paradise resortOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora