Chapter 8

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Hey guy so I have decided that I'm going to try and write every Monday's because I barely do anything on Mondays, and I might write another one in Nebraska, while I have the time. Well that's all for today. ENJOY!!


The wall was cold against my back and his lip were flush against mine, we pulled away breathlessly, we looked deep in each others eyes.

"Dillon I'm sorry I wasn't thinking straight.  I was shocked. One because I was not expecting that at all and two he has a girlfriend and he even told me he didn't like me. I gently pushed him back and stormed the opposite way grabbing the keys to my brothers off roader. I hopped in and took off. I didn't know where I was going and I was most definitely lost and had no idea where I was going. But I ended up coming to a cliff over looking the city. I got out and sat up on the roof of the car. I had nothing but like five dollars that was in the jeep. I was getting hungry but I didn't want to eat anything. I was sick to my stomach and all I felt like doing was puking. I laid back and  watched as the sunshine soon turned into constellations and stars lots and lots of stars. What I learned is all stars are dead and alive all mixed around but you can never tell because even though they're dead they're too bright to ever go out. But the brightest things will never fall out of the flock dead or alive. I guess that's how humans are they define each other by how bright they are. But we all end up in the same place.

"I may be able to escape a person but I can never escape reality." I may be able to avoid Derek but I won't be able to forget what the hell happened.

After arguing with myself I decided to face the world and head home. There are enough dark skies to bright a grey one. Once I got home I opened the door but was only greeted by silence, I was great full for it to but I wasn't going to head to bed I was going to head to the pool. Once I hit the pool I climbed the high dive and dove off letting the air take my breath and the impact make me feel like I was free.
As I surfaced I came face to face with a soaking wet Derek and his 'girlfriend' starring at me.

"Oh I'm sorry but I'll just be going now." I held my thumbs out jamming them at the door.

"Yeah you should, Derry Berry and I where about to get in until you so rudely interrupted." I hid a laugh and hopped out of the pool. I put my hands up in mock surrender and slowly walked to the door reaching for the handle.

"Oh and uh sweetie your make up washed off along with your ego." With that I flipped them off and walked outside. I soon reached my bed room hopped into the shower and put my clothes on flopping into my bed with a long sigh.

I woke up with a groan and me trapped in a heap of blankets.

"Shit I need to down size on my blankets.... Nah!" I hopped my way to the closet and grabbed my black Denim shorts, red tank, black leather jacket, and my red vans. I put deodorant on and tucked in my shirt. I then walked down stairs with my freshly brushed hair and ripe pits. I took the bacon that was on the island and stuffed five pieces in my mouth while chugging down milk. I finished with a burp, and took my journey to hell.

~Derek's POV~
The door opens to the pool room and in walked Dillon in all her glory, she must not have noticed me and Rebecca because the climbed up the high dive and dove head first into the deep end. Bec and I were close enough to get drenched pissing Rebecca off, great just another thing to add to my agenda today. Dillon noticed this and started at us in shock. She then pointed behind her to the door

"Oh I'm sorry but I'll just be going now." Damn she's hot, but the Becca butted in ruining everything.

"Yeah you should Derry Berry and I were just about to get in until you so rudely interrupted us." I glared as I saw her hide a laugh. She then got out of the pool and slowly walked backwards reaching for the handle and slightly opened the door. But she didn't leave she stood there smirking at Rebecca.

"Oh and a sweetie your make up washed off along with your ego." She then slipped out causing me to laugh and get slapped on the chest.

"Who does she think she is she can't talk to me like that!" Ah hell here we go!

"It's a free country, she can do what she wants."

"Oh so now we are protecting her, have you forgotten that I'M your girlfriend not her ME!" Something in me snapped.

"You know what Rebecca you can't control the world, you can't control anyone but yourself. So instead of worrying about everyone else worry about yourself! And if she wants to be a smart ass then so fucking be it!" She cringed as I over looked her in hight and in power.

"Leave Rebecca." I came off a little calm.

"Oh baby you didn't mean that." She rubbed her hands up and down my chest. I have given her so many chances to take it and go before I blow.

"NOW REBECCA!" She jumped and ran out of the door.

"Fuck you! We're through!"


Well this is very very short I know but I'll make it up to you, I'm sorry!


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