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He looked into my eyes deeply. I lost my words and didn't say anything. After weeks we didn't meet, we conversed awkwardly miserable.

"You should let me go. I should let you go. Vice versa." He said as his fingers rubbed my shoulder.

I glanced his hazel eyes and nodded, "Ok. Let's make a lovely goodbye, then."

He started contemplating for seconds, and finally opened his mouth. "How?"

I held his hands, there were shivers among our fingers, "Let's be strangers," i started talking doubtedly, hesitatedly.
"Let's act that i didn't know your favorite places.
Let's pretend that you didn't know my biggest fears. Let's go on with our lives as if yours and mine never intertwined.
Let's erase our memories and let them fade.
Because, goodbyes between lovers are painful, memories and what ifs always lie within."
After those words spoken by my mouths, i shook my head--didn't understand what i said.

But, I had to encourage myself to finish my words eventhough i was sure he wouldn't fully understand.

His eyes spoke nothing. Nevertheless, i smiled tenderly and continued convincing him. "But, farewells between strangers are always lovely; filled by new promises and hellos."

As i continued staring his eyes, i chuckled awfully, followed by a breathtaking heart break which he would never ever know. "Therefore, let's be strangers who never met.
And perhaps, perhaps then.. We'll have second chance at the next hello."

I stopped saying as i hugged him for the last time, he didn't say anything but nodded and kissed my forehead for the last time too.

Oh, if only he knew that i would never want to let him go. But, contradictively, he asked me to do so..

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