Chapter Six- The Ring Problem

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Chapter Six- The Ring Problem

It was now evening time and after coming back from the court, things hadn't ended good.

To be said, Louis had a huge break down and objective that Dakota shouldn't have the right to take custody of their daughter. But, the custody went to Dakota after the judge read that Louis missed many special occasions from Stella and missed important fathering to her.

Louis had also objective that he didn't want to get divorce, but Dakota spoke out on why she wanted to get divorce.

Louis was downstairs by the door waiting, his things in the car already, and waiting for his daughter to come downstairs and once she did she had tears rolling down her cheeks.

"You're no-not going-going to li-live here an-anymore daddy?" questioned Stella as she hugged her father, Louis was on his knees, closely.

"No, love"

"But, w-why?"

"Because, your mother and I had a little argument and it didn't end on good terms babe and now we don't love each other like we did before. Stella, I'm not leaving you. Never would I ever to that, because you will always be in my heart and my first priority. On the weekends, you'll come to my house. There's good news, remember when you wanted a younger sibling? Now, your mother is having a baby soon"

"I-I love y-you"

"I love you too sweetheart" whispered Louis as he pulled his daughter closer to him and then kissed her forehead.

Dakota was on the stairs watching their little moment, hearing everything Louis said, and it broke her heart. But, she was right to do what she did because she couldn't be with a man who went behind her back and was seeing another women for six months.

"Are you done?" asked Dakota as she walked towards them.

"Yes" responded back Louis as he saw Dakota take of the her wedding ring, the ring had a oval blue sapphire circle in the middle and handed to him.

"Keep it-"

"Louis, I don't want it" Dakota interrupted not sounding harsh, but does words hurt Louis more than ever.

"Dakota, honestly, just keep it. It's your's and I want you to have it"

"Louis, I don't want to have the ring. Remember, we're not together anymore. So, take it with you"

"That doesn't mean you can't keep it, I'm not taking it"

"I am not keeping it"

"Do whatever you want with the bloody ring, just don't give it to me because I want you to have it"

"Take it to Eleanor, she clearly deserves it more than me after you two been seeing each for like six months already without at least telling me"

"Uh, um..."

"Thought so, now here, give it to her because she needs it more than I ever did"

A/N- Hope you guys enjoyed it because I have no idea what I bloody wrote, like I have no mind to comprehend what I just wrote. I'm sorry if the chapter was a little short and boring, next chapter will be better.

If your wondering what Dakota's ring looked like, well then it's Catherine Duchess Of Cambridge ring. The picture is above this chapter, just to know how it looks like.

Love always, Kara xoxo

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