Chapter Eight- Photographs & Mario Testino

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(T.Rex- Cosmic Dancer)

Chapter Eight- Photographs & Mario Testino

Five Months Later,

It was now five months later and while those five months passed everything had been going awful for Dakota.

Why, you may ask? Well, because there was rumours after rumours of her and Dakota just couldn't take it no more. Also, because whenever she would take her kids out the press would always be there flashing their bright lights towards her and her kids with really angered her. And lastly, she left London with her kids because she envied seeing Eleanor with Louis.

So it was now December, right now Dakota and her children were in Vienna, Austria.

Dakota had picked Austria because it would be wonderful to get away from the media and press for a while and spend time with her kids, even thought they're practically together.

There was just one thing, she didn't tell Louis that he wasn't going to see his kids for a while and didn't tell her family where she was going.

"George, is growing up mum" twelve year old Stella said, "Soon, he'll be the most handsome baby we'll ever see and soon I'll have to protect him from girls who would dream to have him as a boyfriend."

"My babies are growing up" Dakota pretended to cry, in real life she was sad that her kids were growing up, "I think that George would be the one protecting you from the boys, even though he's younger than you."

"Mum, can I ask you something" said Stella looking at George who was in the bugaboo cameleon pram.

"What is it dear?"

"Why did dad marry her?"

Dakota knew what Stella meant by her.

"I don't know dear, your father is a very silly man. But, I think that because he had moved on from me and ready to have a new wife."

"But, why couldn't he be with you?"

"Because Stella, we had an argument and we didn't love each other anymore love."

As they got up from their seat from the café, the three walked around the streets of Vienna admiring the beautiful view.

As Stella was walking she bumped into a person.

"I am sorry, love" the person spoke, the voice sounding all to familiar.

"It's fine, really" insisted Dakota as she took off her sunglasses and the person did the same to reveal.

Mario Testino, a famous fashion photographer.

"Dakota Beckham? Is that you?" questioned Mario, breaking into a grin.

"Yes, it's me Mario" Dakota grinned back, "It's been ages, since I have last seen after the photo shoot."

"Yes, it has been" Mario said embracing Dakota in a hug.

Her and Mario became good friends after meeting in a photo shoot that she had and Mario was the photographer.

"Who are these little ones?"

"This is my twelve year old daughter Stella, and this is my five month old baby boy George"

"They have your looks" Mario commented, "I was just about to call you once I entered this café, to tell you, if whether you like to do a photo shoot and now that I see that you have such precious children I wondered if maybe you would like to have a Vogue photo shoot will all three of you and a Burberry photo shoot for Stella."

"That sounds like an amazing idea!"

"Here is my business card, with my phone number and the address to the building of where I mostly do the photo shoot. I would love if you could come tomorrow early, for when I once finish the taking photographs I could publish them."

"Sounds fine with me, thank you Mario"

"Thank you Dakota, how a lovely day you three"

'First Ever Photographs Of Dakota Beckham, Stella & George Tomlinson'

'It's been five months already since we have last seen Dakota Beckham, Stella & George Tomlinson and now it's December

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'It's been five months already since we have last seen Dakota Beckham, Stella & George Tomlinson and now it's December.'

'News broke yesterday, when Mario Testino published two new photographs with Dakota Beckham, Stella & George Tomlinson.'

'First photograph, was of Stella modelling for the Burberry ad campaign and the second photograph was published for Vogue. The photograph for Vogue had Dakota Beckham holding George Tomlinson in her arms smiling at him and George gave back a smile showing his small teeth growing and Stella was standing next to her mother smiling at her younger brother as he held her finger around his small hand.'

'But, the big question is 'Where is Dakota & the kids?' Many try to figure out where they were but failed, they try to contact Mario Testino for answers but Mario did not respond to the questions'

'What do you think about this? Should Dakota Beckham, tell everyone where she and the kids are?'

Love always, Kara xoxo

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