Stella Olivia Tomlinson is a ten year old and is the only daughter of Dakota Beckham and Louis Tomlinson.
One day, she had bumped in to a person and that person happened to be Louis's ex-girlfriend Eleanor Calder. The two seemed to talk and Eleanor...
Chapter Seven- The Wedding -------------------------------------------
Nine Months Later,
It was now July and Dakota had already given birth one week ago, to a healthily little boy.
A healthy little boy named George Charles, now, Dakota was debating wether to put George's surname as Beckham or Tomlinson. But, being the nice person she is, Dakota put George's surname as Tomlinson.
And, lucky her, Dakota got an invitation for Louis's and Eleanor's wedding that was tomorrow in a country club.
Dakota wondered why her ex-husband would want her to be their for his wedding. She thought probably he invited her to see his son and daughter.
Right now, Dakota was at her parents house with her children. George was officially going to meet his mother's family.
"Sweet little boy" gushed Victoria as she held George in her arms, "I am so sorry for you going through this alone love."
"Don't worry about it mum, and you have nothing to be sorry about it because I had a family who supported me during the pregnancy."
"Louis should be ashamed of himself for doing that, babe"
"I know mum, I already told him that and he got a tad bit upset"
"He should he upset at himself for losing the most intelligent, beautiful, and amazing women in the world"
"Anyways, I've got an invitation to somewhere I don't want to go"
"I'm sure the place isn't bad, where is this somewhere?"
"A wedding"
"Who's wedding? Be more elaborate Dakota"
"Louis's and Eleanor's wedding"
"Why would he do that?"
"I am guessing that he invited me to meet his son George and see Stella"
"Why couldn't he come over to your house to see the kids? Or at least the hospital to see George?"
"I don't know mum, I have a feeling that it has to do with Eleanor" ------
Dakota held onto Stella's hand and pushed the bugaboo cameleon pram with her other hand, as they arrived at the county club, music playing, where the wedding party was being held.
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"Name?" a security guard questioned as he looked down at his clipboard.
"Dakota Beckham" responded back Dakota pursing her lips.
"You may go in" the security guard said back letting Dakota and her children walk in.
Her eyes wondered around looking around for her table, and she found it with a paper with her name written on it with a cursive lettering.
It was quite big the table and an umbrella that was in the middle and the table wasn't far from the other, close.
The food was being served and it was also George's time to eat as well.
From afar, Louis watched Dakota take their son out of the pram and hold him in her arms and feed him a bottle.
Louis was sitting in a, let's say, medium table that held the best man and the maid of honour and of course his wife.
He couldn't quite help but think that Dakota looked absolutely gorgeous in the dress she was wearing.
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"Mummy, there's a golf course!" grinned Stella, she was great at playing golf.
"I don't think were suppose to go there babe"
"But, loads of people are going there"
"I suppose playing a little golf won't hurt, now would it?"
"No, it won't hurt at all"
It was now the fourth round of playing golf for Stella, Dakota of course did not play because she had to look out for George and Stella didn't mind at all.
"Hey Dakota" said Louis out of nowhere making Dakota jump a little.
"Hello Louis" responded back Dakota, not wanting to talk to him at all.
There was a tension between the two, not one of them were talking and were only watching their daughter play golf.
"Can I hold him?" blurted out Louis.
"You could have held him, if you came to the hospital or to the house. I sent you the the address of both places and you never came. My father, had to cut the umbilical cord because you didn't show up. You should grateful to me because I put your surname as George's surname. I was going to put his surname as my surname, but me being the kind person I am put your surname"
"I'm sorry Dakota, I'm really am. But, please just let me hold him because I don't get to see him everyday, only once a while. That's if you only let me see him"
Dakota knew that Louis did have a point, and so she chose to let Louis hold their son.
Dakota saw how happy Louis was when he held their son, it made her heart flutter.
After minutes of holding him, Louis handed George back to Dakota kissing his forehead softly.
He then went to see his daughter Stella, knowing she's probably missing him dearly.
Once he finished his father and daughter time with Stella, he went back to Dakota.
"Can we, um, at least spend one day together. As a family" said Louis nervously.
He immediately regretted asking it because Dakota still hadn't responded back and starred at him.
"I don't think that's a very good idea Louis"
"Why not? Can't you see that I can't see my kids every day?! At least do this favour for me Dakota!"
"It's not my fault, it's your fault for cheating on me with another women when you knew you had a wife that was pregnant and with your first child" ------
A/N- Hope you guys enjoyed it, and pardon me for the chapter being boring and not making sense. George is portrayed by Princes George, son of Catherine Duchess Of Cambridge and Prince William Duke Of Cambridge.